Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Lies and innuendo

Does anyone tell the truth anymore? If you try to watch the MSM all you hear anymore are either outright lies or at best sly innuendoes. For example, Obama is going to raise everyone’s taxes. That is a lie. He is going to raise some people’s taxes, namely the rich who can easily afford it and ought to be paying more taxes in the first place. Obama wants to surrender in Iraq. Another outrageous lie. And of course there are the Obama is a Muslim, and he’s not really a citizen, and other such lies that are so outrageous most people don’t take them seriously. The innuendoes, however, may be worse, and they are slipped into the dialogue about Obama constantly. One of the Brafia analysts the other day kept repeating, “when Obama was on his rock and roll tour…” Then there is McCain’s statement when he conceded that inflating your tires properly would, in fact, save gasoline. He felt compelled to add, “but I don’t think that’s going to solve our energy problem,” as if that was the sum total of Obama’s energy plan. Perhaps the biggest lie of all is that Obama is going to withdraw our troops from Iraq in 16 months, no matter what is happening “on the ground.” Of course Obama never said any such thing. He’s not stupid. He knows perfectly well there could be extenuating circumstances. He Brafia wants you to believe that in precisely 16 months, at 4:30 p.m. EDT Obama will withdraw, no matter what. They never repeat verbatim anything, it is always embellished, exaggerated, or totally misstated. They are apparently incapable of doing anything else, no doubt the lessons they have learned from those masters of obfuscation and lying, Bush/Cheney. When it comes to this sort of thing the MSM are as bad, and probably even worse than the Brafia itself. “We don’t torture,” Bush maintains, a lie so blatantly transparent as to be laughable. “Oil had nothing to do with it,” is another. The entire Bush/Cheney administration is nothing but a fabric of lies, obfuscation, innuendo, and evasion, all aided and abetted by the MSM. To even list all their lies would take something of encyclopedic dimensions. I believe they have violated public discourse to the point where no one believes anything anyone says anymore. Now they want us to believe the Guantanamo kangaroo court has convicted their first (and only so far) person of war crimes. Even with everything loaded in their favor all they convicted him of was being Osama bin Laden’s driver, which he had readily admitted. Being someone’s chauffeur is now a war crime? Even if the guy had been found innocent they still wouldn’t let him go. Is that justice? Now they are railroading this Ivins guy who just killed himself. Their evidence, such as it is, is flimsy beyond belief. None of Ivins co-workers believe he did it. But he is dead and cannot now defend himself and they want to close the case (it might prove embarrassing if it continues any longer than it has). They are trying desperately to make us believe that Iran is working on a bomb even though there is little or no evidence they are. And what is worse, they want us to believe that if the Iranians had a bomb they would immediately rush out and bomb everyone (a claim so outrageously ridiculous they can probably get at least some people to believe it). As I have made clear previously, I absolutely do not believe anything they say, and if Obama turns out to be not so good as President he will still be 1000 times better than Bush/Cheney.

Both McCain and Bill Clinton are acting childishly. They are just plain jealous. Used to being the center of attention themselves, they just cannot make their peace with Obama’s popularity and their attendant dethronement. In McCain’s case he tries to compensate by making fun of Obama’s popularity. Bill Clinton is still pouting. One might well think they were watching a scene on an elementary school playground rather than a contest for President of the United States. While this might be understandable at a personal level, its potential effect at the national level is most undesirable. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a playground attendant available to make them shake hands and make up. How sad.


In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that he did not also limit his stupidity.
-Konrad Adenauer

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