Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden

Goat tied to tree
shot to death
with arrows

My gut feeling that Obama might pick Hillary was wrong. My skepticism about Joe Biden was misplaced. I’d like to think I was wrong because I’m old – but I was usually wrong when younger as well. I never thought Nixon could be elected, or Reagan, or Bush, or Scharzenager, so I guess I must be completely out of touch with the American voter. I hesitate to say that McCain cannot be elected as my record is so dismal. But I cannot see how he could possibly be elected, given what we know about him and his warmongering ways, and running on the Bush/Cheney record of absolute disaster everywhere. I won’t bother to comment again on all the things that are wrong with Calamity John, but if by chance he does get elected I may have to visit a psychiatrist.

Is Joe Biden a good choice for Obama? I think so. He’s been in the Senate so long he could have succumbed to the desire to accumulate wealth but has not done so. He seems to have a spotless personal life. He seems to be an all around good guy. The one thing that troubles me has to do with his position on drugs. As I believe legalizing drugs is perhaps one of the most important issues in the U.S., given Biden’s record on drugs I believe he would not be in favor of legalization (I could be wrong). But as drug legalization is apparently not much of an issue at the moment, given everything else that is wrong with the country, I don’t suppose it really matters much what Biden thinks about it. Some people think he may be too tough on guns. The NRA has given him an “F.” I looked up his voting record and his votes seem eminently reasonable to me (no vote against anything having to do with guns is acceptable to the NRA). Some think he talks too much and is prone to foot in mouth disease, but after eight years of Bush’s garbled and moronic use of our language I doubt Biden should worry too much about it (of course the MSM will use a double standard on the speech of a Democrat). I think from Obama’s point of view Biden is a fine choice. One could argue that the choice of Biden is an admission of inadequacy on Obama’s part, but on the other hand, Obama should be commended for recognizing his limitations and making a serious decision to do something about them. One thing for certain, Biden will not have to take any crap from McCain about Foreign Policy or the military. His vast experience on Foreign Affairs and on the Judiciary Committee cannot but help an Obama administration. He has already come out swinging at McCain, his friend for some 30 plus years, but with whom he has real disagreements. He seems to fit naturally into the role of VP attack dog, something the Democrats desperately need at this time.

Those nasty Russians. What are they doing looking out for their own national interests in their own sphere of influence. The next thing you know the Iranians will want to do the same. And then others. Don’t they realize that their interests have to coincide with ours – or else? The “or else” doesn’t seem to matter much these days, but that doesn’t seem to tone down the bluster and idle threats. Where are horses when you need them? One might also ask, where are common sense and brains when you need them? Obama/Biden should be a winning combination. But excuse me while I consult my oracle.

I have been reading Hesse, The Journey to the East. Frankly, I don’t think I understand it very well. I think a journey to the east in search of ultimate truth is something a young man might undertake, but the real journey for all of us is a consistent, long, difficult, and inevitable journey to the west. The sun may rise in the east, and to the east may lie hope and new beginnings, but the ultimate truth resides in the west where the sun always sets, closes the day, and has the last word.

The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.
H. L. Mencken


Dog Knows said...
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Anonymous said...

Joe Biden could not have kept his senate seat all of these years without the consent of the corporate powers in the state of Delaware. Big business will still be in control and nothing will change if Obama-Biden is elected. I see no reason to bother voting this year.