Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I don't get it

Man hires prostitute,
thinks she might flee,
bites off her ear.

John McCain has won the Florida primary where the lack of independent voters was supposed to be a problem for him. I think he won because Huckabee managed to take votes from Romney which probably made just enough difference. Happily Giuliani has dropped out. It looks like McCain may have the edge now and could presumably end up as the Brafia candidate. But why? I don't get it? A mere 25% or so of the American public support Bush and his immoral "war." McCain wants to continue that unsavory business, for 100 years if necessary. And he's already talking about further wars. He is obviously a warmongering imperialist which presumably is what Americans no longer want. So why would the Brafia want to run him for President in such an environment (assuming that he does, in fact, get the nomination)? It just doesn't make sense. Will they just put him (or Romney, for that matter) up as a sacrificial candidate, knowing they probably can't win anyway? Of course it's far from over and Romney, the Lying Mormon, may actually win. Again, he wouldn't seem like a very wise choice, being such a transparent prevaricator who will change his spots depending upon the location and the prevailing winds. And, of course, he's also a Mormon. He doesn't believe this will matter. He could well be right (but maybe not).

In 1904, in response to an attempted revolt by the Herero in Namibia, the Germans drove them into the Omaheke desert and blocked all access to water. Between 45,000 and 65,000 thousand died painful deaths from starvation and thirst. Historians have described this as an instance of blatant terrorism and shocking brutality. Does this remind you of anything that's happening in the Middle East at the moment? It does me. In response to the Israeli attempt to starve and humiliate them the Palestinians destroyed a wall keeping them out of Egypt so they could get food, water, and other basic necessities. The Herero had no such opportunity. What the Israelis have been doing to the Palestinians is nothing short of slow genocide, with the blessing of the U.S. If anyone cares they don't seem to be able to do much about it. I remind you that Hamas is the legally elected democratic government of the Palestinians, whereas the U.S. and Israel prefers to pretend that Abbas, sitting on the West Bank, is. There can never be an agreement between the Palestinians and Israelis as long as Hamas is kept out of the negotiations. And there is no way on earth a Palestinian state can ever emerge from this imperialist mess. Bush's claim that all will be well by the end of his term just marks him once again as the world's worst idiot. This is so laughable I'm surprised the Middle East hasn't laughed itself to death. Instead they just wait patiently for this pathetic moron to finish his term (what else can they do, given the fact that our Congress won't do the right and honorable thing and impeach him and his evil Rasputin). The idea that a viable Palestinian state could be created in spite of Israeli intransigence (and greed) is a pipe dream that wouldn't be found even in an 18th century opium den. The Israelis will never permit a viable Palestinian state unless it is some modern form of a bantustan. I have believed from the very beginning that George W. Bush is borderline retarded. He has done nothing in these seven miserable years to cause me to change my opinion. Is our President learning? The answer has to be a resounding NO! Please, Big JuJu, make 2009come quickly.

"The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on."
North African proverb

1 comment:

DRL1 said...

I think the writer is rather naive in his statements. He ignored the fact that approx. 875,000 Jews were forced to leave from Arab territories after 1948 (a group that is ignored) and who were successfully resettled in Israel and other countries. It was not the Israelis who kept the Palestinians in refugee camps. Who controlled Gaza and the West Bank from 1948-1967? It was Egypt and Jordan respectively. The writer ingores the internal corruption that siphoned billions of dollars in relief monies that could have been used to improve the situation of the Palestinians. But more importantly he ignors the ongoing violence against Israeli civilians that had been launched from these territories. Are the civilians in Siderot persecuted the Palestinians when their homes are attacked by rockets launched from Gaza? What nation would tolerate continued assaults against its population? The writer ignores the Arabic rhetoric that dehumanizes Jews and Israelis and which call for the destruction of Israel and its Jewish population. Calls for the incitement of genocide are categorized by the UN Convention as Genocide as an act of genocide itself. If the Palestinian so-called leadership would put the interests of its own people over its desire for political power and internal corruption and recognized that Israel is a reality the peace would be possible. The writer needs to recognize that much of the Palestinian peoples situation is derived from internal causes, not the policies of Israel. Is Israel blameless? No, but the Palestinian leadership needs to live up to its duties as leaders and not revolutionaries and terrorists.