Friday, December 07, 2007

Rampant idiocy

Angered by train whistle, man
chases train, fails to board,
threatens conducter with pistol.

To describe the following letter to the Editor of our weekly Bonners Ferry Herald as idiotic does not do it justice. I reproduce it in its entirety:

"Don't elect a Muslim as next U.S. President?

Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim wants to be our next president.
How can a good Muslim be a 'good American,' much less the President of the United States of America?
Politically he can't because he must submit to the mullah (political leader) who teach (sic) annihilation of Israel and destruction of the great satin (sic) they refer to as America. Death to all who are not Muslim.
Intellectually he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes as a Muslim that the Bible is corrupt.
Philosophically he cannot because Islam Mohammed (sic) and the Iran (sic) do not allow freedom of religion. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or antrocatic (sic).
Spiritually he cannot because when we declare 'One Nation Under God,' our Christian God is loving and kind while Allah is never referred to as a Heavenly Father nor is he ever called love in the Iran (sic). Muslims cannot be both a good Muslim and a good American. Their personal preference and allegiance is to Allah and not our Constitution, nor our God.
A state of our nation has already elected a Muslim (Obama) to the House of Representatives (sic).
He is in the current session of Congress 2007 and during his swearing in he used the Muslim Iran (sic) instead of our Bible.
How dare we not recognize this as the evil it will bring to our nation if we allow Obama to be our next president.
Also four Senators along with many others voted against English as our official American language. Senators Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Obama, Boxer, Kerry, Kennedy, Lieferman (sic) and many more. Where is their loyalty to America?
None of these people should be leaders of our 'Great Nation.' In our country people are free to believe anything they want to as well as their religious preference. But they don't qualify to be the President of the United States of America when they don't support or believe in our Constitution. They are not loyal Americans and talk our of both sides of their mouth.
Please use your voting priviledge to keep these people out of the White House. Please do not elect them to be the President of the United States of America. This may be the most serious election our country has ever faced. Our government isn't perfect but it's the best one in the whole world. Let's help keep it that way. Our vote may be a matter of life or death and liberty (sic) for all."

I have omitted the writer's name. I'm sure that she will hear enough about it from others. What can I say about this? The apalling ignorance of the writer speaks for itself. But what of the paper and its editor? One can only wonder if the editor even read this absurd piece of racist, religious bigotry before it was published. He or she certainly did not proofread it. That something like this could appear in our only local paper (owned and operated by Republicans) is an insult to the good people of Boundary County. Along with the antics of Larry Craig and Bill Sali it denigrates us all. Vote Democratic as though your life depends on it - it may.

"If, after I depart this vale, you remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner and wink your eye at some homely girl."
H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

Bubblehead said...

morialekafa -- You certainly are a gentleman not to post the name of the deluded letter-writer. However, I feel no such compunction, so since I found the letter online, I posted about her idiocy and included her name. I sincerely hope it doesn't cause you any trouble.