Saturday, December 29, 2007

Intelligent Design?

Angry because of dog in the shower
with them, woman is arrested
for assaulting lover.

These fundamentalists do not give up easily. Now there is a move afoot in Texas to sneak intelligent design into the science curriculum under the guise of questioning what is wrong with the theory of evolution. These are the same people who insist on believing the earth is only 6000 years old, even though geologists have known and been satisfied with the facts for much more than a hundred years.

The only excuse for these people is what is apparently their incredible ignorance of anything apart from the bible. How anyone with even a rudimentary idea of human history, from the hordes of Genghis Khan through the Crusades, the Inquisition, the discovery and colonialization of Asia, Africa, Siberia, Australia, and the Americas, could see anything of intelligence therein totally escapes me. Human history is nothing but one long account of murder, arson, plunder, torture, and rape. How can this dismal record be perceived as intelligent? As I have said several times before, if there was such a thing as intelligent design there would be no human beings. I believe this to be every bit as true as the theory of gravity (which we know less about than we do about evolution). The only way one could think otherwise would be to believe there is an exceptionally malicious intelligent being who designed a murderous species just for his/her amusement, sort of a global version of Roman entertainment only without the thumbs up. Please, can't we have done with this utter nonsense and approach the world and our place in it with at least some degree of honest curiosity? The fact that one of the leading candidates to be President of our country does not believe in evolution I find terrifying. I am terrified enough of the present occupant of that position who thinks intelligent design should be taught along with evolution (but, then, we all know where he was when brains were passed out). We are, hopefully, beginning to understand the dangers of mixing religion and politics, at least I hope we are. I, for one, do not want a President who believes the earth was created in six days, that people were contemporaneous with dinosaurs, That you must have a beard or wear a certain kind of hat, or that underwear is sacred. If there are people who truly believe these kinds of things, let them stay out of politics and high office.

Pakistan is a mess. Afghanistan is a mess. Iraq is a mess. We are now virtually without allies, a debtor nation, and an international pariah. God bless the King!

If all human misery
resulting from greed and war
could be distilled into a single drop
and cast into the oceans
it would poison all mankind
for eternity -- and more.


Watch 'n Wait said...

Hi M...Glad you aren't giving an inch. :))

Happy New Year! At least Bush won't be spending all that much time in the USA since he'll be traveling all around the world to various places. Gives him less chance to mess up things hopes.

Anonymous said...

I read a piece in the Washington Post this morning and wondered if you had seen it too. It was written by an Egyptian native who is a creative writing professor at University of California Riverside campus. It is about Obama and how he is not the answer in the Middle East as some would hope. Any comments from you would be appreciated.