Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Iowa nonsense

Shot dead for dropping his pants
and attacking cars on the freeway
cops say drugs may have been involved.

Someone suggested today that the only real purpose of the Iowa caucus is to bring attention to the state, the funcional equivalent of the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. I think that must be the case. Certainly the few Bible Belters that participate in the selection of delegats that eventually decide on an Iowa candidate for President do not speak for me. That what is about to happen in Iowa has any genuine significance with respect to who eventually becomes President I believe is doubtful in the extreme. And why what happens in Iowa should influence what happens in New Hampshire and Florida seems to me even more far-fetched. The Iowa polls are pretty meaningless and hardly a basis from which to predict. Even so, I will go out on a limb (just to be in the game) and predict that Hillary will win for the Democrats in Iowa and Huckabee will win for the Republicans. I won't bother to explain my rationale for
these picks but this is what I expect to happen (as you know, I am often wrong. I would like to be wrong about this).

I learned an interesting thing today. Pigs cannot be eaten in certain areas of the world because they have cleft hooves (feet) but are not ruminants. Deer can be eaten even though they have cleft hooves because they are also ruminants. Deer have now taken to lying down in our backyard and chewing their cuds (they apparently have four stomachs like cattle). You see, you do learn something new every day. Of course there is no guarantee that what you learn is necessarily true.

Some kind of evil and vicious alien captured my computer which is now in the hands of the Geek Squad (and they don't work for peanuts). I am writing this on my wife's laptop that I find awkward. I'm not certain if my fingers are too big or the keys are too little. I have no idea how this disaster came about - none whatever.

Is Kucinich even on the ballot in Iowa? I mean could he be picked by the caucus? During the last election when we caucused here in Bonners Ferry Kucinich actually was picked as one of the two from here (the other was Kerry, of course). The MSM and the powers that be behind them must be terrified of Kucinich, given the lengths to which they have gone to ignore and/or denigrate him. I wonder how many votes he could get if given a fair chance? Why is it that Ron Paul gets so much support when he has no more chance than Kucinich? American voters certainly perform in devious ways; they elected Nixon, Reagan, and Bush. Things can't get much stranger than that (unless, of course, they decide to elect Giuliani, Romney, or Huckabee).

"There is an inevitable divergence, attributable to the imperfections of the human mind, between the world as it is and the world as men perceive it."
James William Fulbright

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