Sunday, May 27, 2007


I confess I really don't like sundays. Sundays are boring. There's no mail. If you don't go to church there isn't much to do. I never go to church. I did go to church once, about 60 years ago. My girlfriend made me go. I sat on an abalone shell that was used for the collection. It was noisy and embarrassing. I never went back. I'm an atheist. Well, not exactly, I believe in the Great Mystery. If I had a buffalo skull I would probably use it in some worshipful ceremony. Someone promised me a buffalo skull. But it never materialized. So I just go on thinking about the Great Mystery. It's all a mystery to me. But I don't believe there is an old white man with a grey beard waiting up there in the clouds for me. Nor do I believe Satan is waiting down there in the nether regions for someone as inconsequential as me. I certainly don't believe dinosaurs were contemporaneous with humans. I believe there is much evil in the world. But if there were no people it would disappear. Have you ever heard of evil plants or animals? If you think so I suggest it is merely projection. I like plants and animals. All of them. Except maybe eggplant and okra. I don't think they are evil. I just don't like the texture or the taste. Oh well, like I say, sundays, there isn't much to do.

There is always little or no news on sundays. I guess that means that the entire world rests. The senseless killing in Iraq comes to a halt for the sabbath? Nobody boos Cheney on sunday (you can bet he never rests, but then we never hear about what he's doing anyway down there under that rock he hides behind when he's not out telling outrageous lies). I didn't even hear anything about Paris Hilton or Britney today, a really slow news day.

One interesting thing I did read today; Iran wants to enter into agreements with Iraq to share the development and marketing of oil. I bet that woke Dick the Slimy up. No wonder he's desperate to goad Bush into starting a war against Iran. Trying to steal Cheney's oil. Disgusting. That oil doesn't belong to Iran or Iraq. It's ours. We fought for it. It defines our sole interest in the Middle East, that interest we're willing to send our fine young people to fight and die for. How do those people have the gall to claim all that oil, just because it lies under the territories they have inhabited for thousands of years. It's just like our blessed Ronald Reagan said about our conquest of the American Indians, "they were just sitting on all this land and didn't want to share it," or some such words. To hear Republicans tell it, Reagan was a saint. I think in a way he was. Saint Nitwit.

Here at Sandhill we tried to work outside in the gardens but it rained. Hard. We needed the rain. But we're behind schedule this year. Must be global warming. Oh, I forgot, that doesn't exist except in the minds of virtually every reputable scientist on earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have always found Sundays depressing or boring as you describe. My beliefs are very similar to yours and I cannot visit a church without feeling like a hypocrite as I sit there trying to take part in the service. Part of my sadness is the feeling of not being part of the community of the faithful. How I envy those who can find comfort in their faith and a sense of belonging. This Memorial Day has me feeling more sad and angry than ever. How can a just God allow such horrow to go on in the world. The meaningless of the religious services at the funerals of young people who have been cut down before they have had much of a life is so hard to take. We are old people who have had good lives but it is bittersweet when we think of all those who have not been so lucky. I no longer have the person in my life who could express similar views to yours. Thank you for sharing your thought on almost daily.