Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The pattern of failure continues

You will recall that everything George W. Bush has attempted has failed. His oil company ventures, his baseball years, his military service, and so on. In every case his Daddy's friends appeared and bailed him out of his troubles. Now it is happening once again. James Baker, Daddy's friend, is heading up a commission trying to figure out how in the world to extricate him from the incredible mess he has made in the Middle East. It won't be easy this time as the mess may be too grave to be solved very satisfactorily. Let's face it, George W. is a loser. Indeed, he appears to be a loser's loser. The epitome of loserdom. As my mother (and thousands of others) observed, "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear).

But not to worry. Republicans, especially Rove and George W., believe they are going to win in the coming elections and thus continue to maintain themselves in power. Given the existing conditions, the fact that they even believe they could win is puzzling, unless, of course, they know, or believe, the fix is in once again. What is even more puzzling is that many of our pundits seem to think they have a chance of winning. They cite the fact that the Republicans control the voting machines (which they do), and have managed already to purge the voting rolls of voters who would probably vote Democratic. There seems to be an aura of acceptance involved here as if it is inevitable. With the vast majority of Americans opposed to the "war" in Iraq, believing that Bush/Cheney lied us into the war, wanting our troops to come home soon, fed up with Republican scandals, and so on it seems unlikely they will win. And with Bush's ratings somewhere in the 30's, Cheney's far below that, the Congress ratings somewhere around 20 percent, how can Republicans possibly believe they could win (unless, of course, it really is fixed). Are the American people supposed to just accept this? What are we to do if Republicans actually do claim to have won? If we have a fair election there is no possible way they can win. But if they fail, they know they are doomed. They will not give up power no matter what they have to do - probably even including attacking Iran (an act of insanity that may well doom us all). Democrats need to come out and vote in such massive numbers there is no way the Republicans can claim to have won. There is no doubt this is the most important vote you will probably ever be called upon to cast. So let's get with it.

Larry Craig denies the homosexual allegations being made against him. What else can he do? But as these rumors have swirled around him for years, and his accuser claims to have the evidence, his denial may harm him terribly. The sad thing, if the allegations are proven, is not that he may have engaged in some homosexual behavior, it is the hypocrisy involved in pretending to be anti-gay all these years, along with many others in the Republican party. As Laura Bush and Condi Rice recently took part in a swearing-in ceremony in which the man being sworn in was gay and his gay partner was holding the bible, I assume they are not as anti-gay as Republicans would like us to believe. The Evangelicals must have loved this as there is a clear picture of it on the web. "Good on ya," Laura and Condi, as they say in Australia.

There was some kind of contest the other day for picking the worst song ever. They picked a song I had never heard, or even heard of, but I'd still put my money on "Drop Kick Me Jesus Through the Goal Posts of Life."

Chins up, chests out, hut, hut.

1 comment:

David said...

How about "It's Been Lonesome In The Saddle Since My Horse Died"?

Seriously though, I'm beginning to come round to thinking that both in the U.S. and over here in the U.K. we could do a lot worse than encouraging the military to carry out a coup, engage in a bit of homegrown "regime change" and set up and oversee a set of truly democratic elections.

We seem to want to try to do to it in other peoples' countries - I don't see why it couldn't work at home...