Thursday, July 06, 2006

When, where, how, why?

We are having a gigantic thunderstorm. Our little cat, Ceci, is hidden deep in the basement in the furthernmost corner of the most remote closet in the most hidden box she can find. The first hint of thunder and she is gone. Our other cat, Boo, pays no attention to the storm. He is old. Very old. I think he doesn't even hear the thunder. If he does, he doesn't care. I identify with Boo, whose real name is Boo Oboe Tramp (my wife having told my son that all cats should have three names, after some poet whose name I can't remember. This is bad).

Anyway, I have reached the point where I find I simply have very little left to say. Bush/Cheney and their minions are liars and war criminals (how many times must I say this). Iraq and Afghanistan are absolute disasters. Your children's children will still be paying off our national debt. More than 40 million of our citizens have no medical insurance. The environment is suffering grievously and Bush/Cheney are doing everything they can to make things worse. They have lied so often and so blatantly that we now no longer even expect anyone to tell the truth - and if they ever did, no one would believe them. Israel, with Bush/Cheney's blessings, continues to perpetrate the most horrible war crimes against the virtually helpless Palestinians. The world is a complete mess thanks to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice, et al. No one seems to care. What more is one to say?

One thing that continues to puzzle me has to do with morialekafa, the blog. Morialekafa is not something that one would just randomly type into the computer (at least I don't think so). And although I do not receive a lot of comments I do receive some. And they come from what I believe are strange places. For example, I had a comment from a woman in India. How in the world would a woman in India have ever found morialekafa? I have had several comments from people in England and Australia. And I have comments from various parts of the United States. I enjoy the comments and I look forward to them, but I do not understand how they located this web site. I think it's wonderful that I receive these comments but I cannot understand how it happens. How can anyone just stumble onto morialekafa? I would greatly appreciate it if those that do would indicate how they did so. The internet is truly a marvelous and, to me, a mysterious thing.


Cat Dubie said...

Hello --

I'm from Canada and I read your blog almost every day. (If I were American I'd feel just as you do. Heck, I'm Canadian and feel like you do about The Mess.)

I came upon your blog while blog surfing -- there's a square at the top of the Blogspot blogs that states NEXT BLOG, and it takes one to random blogs. I'm an aspiring writer --- romance of all things --but I'm tuned into politics, especially those of America because the current regime is the antithesis of all I believe in. I have a fair collection of blogs that I enjoy reading, many political (there's so many that share your views!)

Just want to let you know I appreciate all your posts. Keep fighting the good fight.

P.S. I've always wondered about the name morialekafa.


Sue-Lynn MB said...

morialekafa: I was looking for a sign to put up in the bathroom at work. A sign that politely teaches individuals about bathroom etiquette. Perhaps a witty little poem about not wetting the seat, because females need to SIT to do the deed!

My search, while still rather fruitless, has proved extremely interesting. I have turned up all SORTS of tidbits! Surprisingly, one of the links took me to your "seat up" which caught my interest and then lead to your description of your ambivalence toward felines.

Personally, being a cat lover extreme, I found your writing rather sad! While cats are indeed opportunistic hunters and DO catch unsuspecting prey, were they incapable of such, they would be doomed to extinction were they not able to provide for themselves. I recently took in a cat that had been abandoned by its previous owners and left to fend for itself. In my city, thousands of homeless animals were killed last year alone because people don't shoulder the responsibility of caring for the animals that we as a species have tamed for our own pleasures! My cat has his own blog. You're welcome to visit Mr. Hobbes. I believe that if you click on my name, and look at my links, you will find him. It sounds to me like your son has much wisdom. We do learn from our children, don't we?