Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What's the point?

First, just in to Buzzflash tonight, Robert Novak, Republican operative pretending to be a newsman, has now announced publicly that Karl Rove was his source for the outing of Valerie Plame. Will Bush fire him as promised? Don't bet on it. There apparently is a discrepancy between Novak's testimony, Rove's, and the CIA's. So they will no doubt keep a he said/he said/they said thing going forever and nothing much will happen. Besides, would you expect Bush to keep his word? If so, where have you been for the past six years?

What's the point of giving immunity to the U.S. Military in Iraq? The Iraqis are now going to ask the U.N. to no longer allow immunity from Iraqi law for American forces. But why did they have immunity in the first place? What is so special about the American Military that they should not have to obey laws that all others would have to obey. The result of this exception to the laws of the host country is now coming home to haunt us. Basically, this amounts to no more or less than a license to rape, pillage, and murder. Now with at least five different investigations of American troops flagrantly breaking the law, and military rules as well, we are having to face the consequences of this foolish policy. And remember, the U.S. has twisted arms all around the world to exempt American Military personnel from laws that would apply to everyone else. This is just another example of the absurd notion that we are "good" and others are "bad."

What is the point of anyone having fifty billion dollars of personal wealth? Bill Gates, of course, is the poster child for this ridiculous practice. This is not meant to be an attack on Bill Gates personally, but on a capitalistic system that makes no sense whatsoever. How do you make money in such a system? You make it either by exploiting workers or arranging takeovers of various kinds. In either case it is exploitation pure and simple. Why should Gates personally have fifty billion dollars? Wouldn't everyone be far better off if that money had been more equitably distributed? Why should his employees (including those semi-slave laborists in Asia) not have been paid more? Why should not his prices have been reduced?

Similarly, whey should the top honchos at Disneyland be pulling in a hundred million per year each? Why couldn't they have charged a bit less and thus allowed more happiness for more people. Surely they don't need a hundred million a year for their happiness. Indeed, Bill Gates and other CEO's could easily take a ninety percent reduction in "wages" or "profits" and still have more money than they could possibly ever use. I don't care how hard anyone works, or how creative they are, no one deserves to accumulate that much money at the expense of others (which is the only way it can be accumulated). This is a system so out of control it is disgusting. It is intrinsically wrong and there is no way it can be justified. I believe some people do work harder than others, and some people are more creative than others, and some are just more clever than others, and such people deserve to be rewarded, but there should at least be some reasonable limits on greed.

1 comment:

MnMnM said...

Please keep my identity a secret. Double super Secret. I could call in and have my voice disguised or and my face blocked our. Please call me or send me an email if you plan to use this. Thanks. I am a Rove-ing reporter leaking a fictional copy of the Grand Jury testimony of Robert Novak. For the complete text visit:
Novak: Well Fitzgerald, You know Carl Rove, the White House Chief of Staff (of the United States) [COSTUS], the media gave me a job as Journalist for as long as I want.
Fitzgerald: Look Novak, if you're a journalist, you must know all the players.
Novak: I certainly do.
Fitzgerald: Well you know I've never met the guys. You are under oath so you'll have to tell me their names, and then I'll know who's involved in the leaking of a CIA officer’s name.
Novak: Oh, I'll tell you their names, but you know it seems to me they give the players now-a-days very peculiar names.
Fitzgerald: You mean funny names?
Novak: Strange names, pet names...like Deep Throat...
Fitzgerald: His brother Daffy.
Novak: Daffy Throat...
Fitzgerald: And their French cousin.
Novak: French?
Fitzgerald: Goofè.
Fitzgerald: Same as you! Same as YOU! I direct the questions to who. Whoever it is drops the ball and the guy runs to second. Who picks up the questions and throw them to What. What points his finger at I Don't Know. I Don't Know blames it on Tomorrow, Triple play. Another guy gets up and pleads the fifth for Because. Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a darn!
Novak: What?
Fitzgerald: I said I don't give a darn!
Novak: Oh, that's our intern.
Who's on First by Novak and Fitzgerald
And at the first game, Judith Miller will throw in the first pitch. Ambassador and Mrs. Wilson will sing the National Anthem. Matt Cooper will be selling beer in the bleachers. Novak will be scalping tickets outside the main gate and Rove will get 20% of the door.

Please keep up the good work. We need you now more than ever.

Middle-aged, Middle-of-the-road, Mid-Westerner