Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Idaho don't need no stinkin' Senators

Returning from the west once again I note that both Craig and Crapo voted against funding for stem cell research. As they are little more than dinosaurs in a world of at least some people still in their right minds, this is not surprising. They always vote for the administration's position. Always. Well, at least 99.99 percent of the time. I don't always pay attention to their votes because I know they can be relied upon to vote with Bush/Cheney. They are, of course, opposed to gay marriage, abortion, flag burning, and salmon. They are in favor of potatoes. They are opposed to eliminating the dams on the Snake River to save the salmon - potato farms are more important. It reminds me of a few days ago when some local farmers were unfortunately losing part of their crops. One of them actually said, "I'm just as important as the salmon." While I feel great sympathy for the farmers, and believe they should be reimbursed for their losses, to say that a few farms are more important than the salmon is simply absurd. But I digress. If we know that Craig and Crapo are going to vote with Bush/Cheney virtually every time there is a vote, what do we need them for? Think of all the money that might be saved if we just gave our Senators' proxies to Dick the Slimy? We wouldn't need any Senators at all and the money could be used for something useful, like improving Idaho's dismal educational situation.

With respect to this latter problem I have a solution to suggest. You know all those billions of dollars that Gates/Buffet have to support various humanitarian enterprises? Well, I suggest they take a bit of that money and purchase the State of Idaho. They'd still have plenty left and they could help humanity (especially Idaho humanity) a great deal. Maybe we could have decent schools, well-paid teachers, up to date textbooks, stuff like that. And maybe this would eventually lead to a legislature that had the best interests of Idaho citizens in mind, instead of just more corporate pork and tax breaks for the already overwealthy. Just dreaming.

Our mentally challenged pretend President really made us proud at the G8 summit. After being accidentally filmed talking with his mouth open and full, and using rather foul language, and saying stupid things, he topped off his performance by coming up from behind to give Merkel a surprising and not well received shoulder massage. He is not only an imbecile, he's also a slob. I guess we're supposed to say, "well, he's a moron, but he's our moron."

Israel continues to exercise its god-given right to defend itself against innocent civilians, especially small Palestinian and Lebanese children. No one cares enough to do anything about it, especially Bush/Cheney, who apparently think its just fine. They can't be bothered to even extend a slap on the wrist. After all, its all the fault of Hezbolla and Hamas. If they would just lay down and accept Israeli desires there wouldn't be a problem. After all, what do they need with land, water, and basic human dignity?

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