Thursday, July 27, 2006

Bush the killer

There is only one person in the world who can stop the killing in Gaza and Lebanon. He could stop it in a single moment. He refuses to do so. Who is this powerful killer? Why, nobody but our own George W. Bush who apparently revels in killing. Remember that as governor of Texas he presided over more executions than any other governor in history. These were executions that were only subject to cursory examination by Alberto Gonzales (our current Attorney General), and even less scrutiny by Bush. Bush is also on record as actually mocking a woman who was pleading for her life. He apparently likes killing. The killing in Gaza and Lebanon is mostly of civilians, including large numbers of children. This is doing nothing whatsoever to create a "permanent solution," which is what Bush and Condi claim they want. In order to achieve this permanent solution they apparently believe it is necessary to kill even more innocents. I guess the best thing to say about this is that it is stupid. There is no reason to go on killing more innocent women and children in order to achieve a permanent solution than to not do so. So why do so? I conclude that they just like killing for its own sake. Oh, you say Israel needs more time to destroy Hezbollah? Well, they are not succeeding very well, nor will they ever, as what they are doing is actually creating more sympathy for Hezbollah and also no doubt increasing volunteers for that organization. In other words this is not only stupid, it is monumentally stupid. The U.S. support for Israel has now reached the point where we are active participants in Israel's genocidal plans for the Palestinians and Lebanese (remember we are supposed to be honest brokers, a role that has now been destroyed forever). What we and the Israelis are doing in Gaza and Lebanon is totally unconscionable and involves war crimes of the most serious kinds. This cannot be undone. It will haunt us and our descendants probably forever.

It appears that Democrats are now trying to outdo Republicans on jumping on the genocidal bandwagon. Hillary, Schumer, and others have boycotted the speech by the Iraqi Prime Minister because he did not criticize Hezbollah sufficiently. Even Howard Dean has jumped on the Israeli bandwagon, condemning Hezbollah as the (in Bush's terms), "root cause" of the problem. The Israeli lobby is powerful indeed. No one on either side of the political spectrum is willing to take it on. They all seem to believe that Israel is completely innocent of what is going on in the Middle East. I remind you that Hezbollah exists only because of Israeli agression in Southern Lebanon in the first place. Hamas exists only to defend legitimate Palestianian interests which have been totally ignored by Israel and the United States. Is it not the case that Israel for years has been illegally occupying Palestinian lands? And also stealing Palestinian water? Is it not the case that they have been repeatedly asked to remove themselves to the original 1967 borders if they want peace? Is it not the case they have refused over and over again? Is it not the case they are building an illegal wall designed to capture even more Palestinian land? Is it not the case they have violated more U.N. regulations than any other nation in history? Is it not the case they are doing so right now? The idea that Israel is innocent and just under attack by "terrorists" is the most godawful bit of B.S. ever. If they want to solve the "problem" they could do so by simply acknowledging that Palestinians and other Arabs are actually people instead of some kind of vermin, that their lives are every bit as valuable and meaningful as Israeli lives. Don't tell me racism isn't involved here. Israel spokesman have come right out and said that 1000 Arab lives aren't worth the fingernail of one Israeli. The Israelis do not want to give up captured Palestinian lands. They do not want a viable Palestinian state. They have done everything they can to make this perfectly clear. And so they complain incessantly about being attacked by terrorists while they are unwilling to make any genuine attempt to negotiate a reasonable settlement.

And don't give me any crap about being an anti-Semite. I don't care if the Israelis are Jews, Ethiopians, or even people from outer space. What they have been doing to the Palestinians is WRONG, and is, itself, the "root cause" of the trouble. There will never be peace in the Middle East until this wrong has been addressed. If Democrats are unwilling to deal with this honestly, as Republicans certainly are not, they will never get my vote. I have been a Democrat all of my life but this is asking too much. If the Democratic candidate, whoever it may be, turns out to be a blind, rabid Israeli supporter I will simply not vote. I know, I know, how can you not vote for a Democrat as opposed to a Republican? Of course I would never, under any circumstances vote for a Republican, but in this case I could not, in good conscience vote at all. Someone has to curb the Israelis.

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

M...I do agree. But you know and I know that this Repub admin plus Repubs in Congress and some Dems as well, especially in an election year, will never admit wrong-doing on the part of Israel for fear of being labeled anti-semite. Thus, we are stuck until someone is brave enough and ethical enough to rise to the occasion and raise hell with Israel.