Sunday, July 02, 2006


Does no one care about the Palestinians? No one at all? Imagine what would have happened if Israel had invaded Lebanon or Syria, or Saudi Arabia, or Iran, and capturead 64 of their lawmakers, bombed their power supply, and continued to bomb and shell indiscriminately. One has to think at least someone would be concerned. Of course Israel would not have done such a horrible thing to anyone but the Palestinians - they are the only ones who cannot effectively fight back. This Israeli attack has to be the most outrageous event yet in the history of this unfortunate human disaster.

Now, after years of killing Palestinians, including women and children, and immediately after this current bombing and killing began, the Israelis apparently sent in two truckloads of "humanitarian aid." Can you believe this? If they had any interest whatsoever in humanitarianism they would certainly not have behaved as they have. This is in the same ridiculously hypocritical vein as our troops picking up a little Iraqi girl with spina biffita and sending her to the U.S. for treatment. As if this is somehow going to make up for the 100,000 or more Iraqis we have killed up to now. Can no one curb Israeli greed and blood lust? It certainly won't be the U.S. which has apparently agreed to pick up the 48 million dollar tab for repairing the Palestinian power plant (do you think we'll subtract it from the billions we give Iraq every year to continue to pursue their criminal enterprise?) Just think of it as another "humanitarian act."

Human beings are the most vile and destructive species on earth, both to all other species and to themselves. It's all because of "intelligent design." How anyone can countenance such a belief is certainly far beyond my imagination. Sleep well, knowing that Israel is our "friend" and "ally," and we are together "doing good" and "spreading democracy" far and wide.

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