Saturday, June 10, 2006

Everybody talks about it...

You remember the old cliche, "everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it." Well, that's the way I feel about the current political situation. I know that the Bush/Cheney attack on Iraq was a war crime. I know that in the continuation of the Iraq "war" multiple war crimes have been (and are being) committed. There are so many they no longer even need to be listed. I know that the U.S. is in debt to the point where even our grandchildren will be lucky to pay it off. I know Bush/Cheney have no positive things to show for their 6 years in office other than tax breaks for the filthy rich who don't even need them. I know they have scorned environmental protection in favor of corporate interest over and over again. They deny global warming for the same reason. The only people who have benefitted from the Iraq debacle are huge corporations who have made obscene profits, including the oil companies. I know they have been illegally wiretapping. I know they have been torturing. I know they are totaly corrupt in virtually every way you can think of. I know they have done nothing but lie since the very beginning. I know all this by now to the point that I am so saturated with it I am about to just give up. What is the point? Everyone knows how unbelievably awful this administration has been (and is) but nobody does anything about it (other than talk about it). We have a vice-president whose popularity rating is sub-zero who continues to run the country while our mentally challenged president does his best to read his prepared comments. Our once wonderful country and democracy has been destroyed and we are now universally hated by almost the entire world. Democrats refuse to take any action whatsoever and basically just aid and abet this fascist takeover. I am so frustrated by what is happening it is ruining my life. AND NOTHING HAPPENS!

If you go by the actions of our local Boundary Country Democrats nothing will happen. While we get good turnouts at the monthly meetings, when any form of action is actually required everyone (with two or three exceptions) just disappears. We have for the first time in years some decent candidates who might actually win with a little support. The candidates they are running against are pretty hopeless. One is so bad as to actually laughable, another is such an experienced lightweight he ought to be ignored. But still we do virtually nothing to help ourselves. So please, before it is too late (if, indeed, it is not already too late), let's get our act together and at least make a major effort to change things. The concentration camp is not an attractive alternative.


1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

M..Which is why Fitzgerald's investigation is so important. The bottom line is that the outing of Plame by the administration is treason...and we know the penalty for that. If you can get C-Span, do watch the CIA Investigation panel the Yearly Kos convention had today. It was fascinating...with former Ambassador Joe Wilson the first speaker, followed by reporter Murray Waas, followed by former CIA Larry Johnson...and a couple of speakers later came the trial lawyer and blogger, Reddhead, who explained the Grand Jury process from a lawyer's point of view...and talked of Fitz's investigation procedure. Well worth your time.