Monday, October 18, 2004

Spend and spend

Republicans, having tried and failed to destroy Kerry’s distinguished service record, obviously because Bush’s military record is so much more dismal, and having failed to label him as a flip-flopper, because it became obvious that Bush was much more of a flip-flopper, and having also failed to ridicule him as being wealthy, because Bush is also wealthy, have now fallen back on their typical old-fashioned canard: Kerry is a tax and spend liberal. This, too, is doomed to fail, not only because it is an accusation so overworked and out-of-date, but also because the reply is so devastating: Better to be a tax and spend liberal than a credit card spend and spend Bush Republican conservative. How anyone who has turned a several billion dollar surplus into a several billion dollar deficit in the space of a mere three and a half years can accuse Kerry of being a tax and spend liberal has such an awesome chutzpah that it almost has to be admired. As there is nothing else that can be admired about the Bush Administration I guess that’s the best we can hope for.

In yesterday’s blog I believe I might have made a minor mistake. I implied that the Los Angeles Times had endorsed Kerry. I do not believe this is true as they may not as yet have endorsed anyone, and, given the nature of the ownership, they may well not endorse Kerry. But on the other hand, they might. In any case it is certainly true that Kerry has many more endorsements from major newspapers than does Bush. Personally, I think the New York Times endorsement says it all the best.

Is this not the very best time of the year? The harvest is about over, the garden is about to be shut down for the winter, the pig is going to the butcher tomorrow, the tomatoes, peppers, leeks, beets, apples and carrots have been taken care of, the pears have been canned, the walnuts have fallen from the trees. Life is good. How wonderful to enjoy the seasons! Autumn, for me, is the best time of the year, in spite of the sadness that somehow goes with it.

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