Saturday, October 30, 2004

Heil Bush


here we are with only two days before the election. The polls this and the polls that. The polls now are little more than nonsense. I predict a Kerry victory by two or more percentage points.

I stand by my claim that Osama bin Laden’s recent videotape was meant to help George W. Bush. It may not do that, but that was what it was intended to do. As one Republican spokesman put it, anything that reminds Americans of terror is good for Bush (as Bush, presumably, has more support for fighting terrorism than Kerry). But even though the intention was to help Bush it could well backfire. It could remind people of Bush’s failure to get Osama bin Laden “dead or alive.” It could also remind them of Bush’s claim that he was no longer really concerned with bin Laden. This, along with the explosives scandal and the absolute chaos in Iraq could well spell the end of the Bush pretend Presidency (do not forget that he was not actually elected).

I have just seen the video, Going Upriver, the story of John Kerry’s valor in Vietnam and subsequently in the anti-war movement. It is very moving and should be seen by everyone. And by the way, whatever happened to the Swift Boat Veterans for (un)Truth? They seem to have more or less faded away. Small loss, that. I believe Kerry’s testimony before the Congressional Committee was absolutely brilliant. It makes everything coming out of the mouth of Bush sound like a braying jackass, which, of course, it is. There is no doubt that compared with Kerry Bush is simply a mental midget. But somehow there seems to be a fairly substantial number of Republicans who admire mental midgets (probably because he is so much like them). Does anyone really want a President who is just a nice guy to have a cup of coffee with? Not me. I want a President who is smart as hell and reads newspapers and books. I would also like one who is not a serial liar and will tell me the truth about how bad (or good) things truly are.

I have been around now for much longer than I like to admit to. But I have never seen our country in such a mess as it has become under the Bush/Cheney Administration. This is an absolutely critical moment in American history. Either we will survive as a democracy or become a fascist state. This latter fate is almost upon us. Get out and vote! Help rid us of these monstrous tyrants with their delusions of imperial grandeur. Did you see that recently at one Bush rally the entire crowd was asked to recite, en mass, an oath of allegiance to Bush. Heil Hitler!

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