Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Let us pray

I am now convinced that Bush was in fact wired for the first two debates, and no doubt at other times as, for example, when he was discussing the situation in Indonesia. The question for tomorrow evening’s debate is: will he have the nerve to try it again? All it would take would be a pat on the back from Kerry to disclose this dirty little secret. And if he is not wired how will he perform? All sharp eyes on tomorrow night’s debate!

And now, Sinclair. That huge corporation that controls 62 television stations is going to order them all to usurp the usual programming to show a blatantly dishonest anti-Kerry film, thus putting Fox News to shame for their relatively wishy-washy partisan coverage of American politics. In one way this might be a good thing as it will now set to rest for all time the question of whether or not the major media are part of the fascist conspiracy to take over the United States. Ah, the disgusting liberal media is at it again. As this is almost surely illegal it might not actually happen. Let us hope.

Now a comment on my mother-in-law. She is a nice lady, friendly, generous, kind, gregarious, and in her own way, I think, even well-intentioned. However, she is also totally uninformed about what is going on, doesn’t watch the news, doesn’t read the newspaper, doesn’t surf the web, refuses to even watch the debates, and knows absolutely nothing about the current issues or politics. And doesn’t want to know! She simply says she is a Republican, she and her deceased husband have always voted Republican, and she is going to vote for Bush. So much for an informed electorate, the backbone of a democratic society. I have no doubt whatsoever that this is typical of the Republican base. We can only hope that such people do not constitute a majority of the population.

I will go out on a limb and make a prediction. Barring some illegal activity or some totally unusual occurrence, John Kerry will win the election by a fairly large majority. The polls have obviously been manipulated to make it appear that it is a very close race. I do not believe this is so. The media polls and the powers that be are trying to make it appear close because if it isn’t really close Bush will have no chance even to steal it again. All the evidence is on my side. The huge and unprecedented voter registration bodes well for the democrats. The fact that young people are registering in record numbers bodes well for the democrats. Many of the major newspapers, even those who were for Bush previously, are coming out in favor of Kerry. The debates have made it crystal clear that Bush/Cheney both lie constantly. They have also made it clear that Bush is nothing more than a simple minded puppet who takes his orders from Rove and Cheney. They have also made it very clear that Cheney is an absolutely pathological liar. Recent events and the debates have also demonstrated that Bush/Cheney are totally divorced from reality. And the fact that Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz, Perle, and the rest of the neocons have virtually become invisible indicates that they know they have been found more than merely wanting. All of their lies are now coming home to haunt them, and rightly so. Unless Bush puts on a absolutely miraculous performance tomorrow evening he is finished, done in by his own ignorance, arrogance, and lack of interest. There is no doubt he will be remembered as the worst President in the history of the United States.

Of course a Kerry Presidency is probably doomed from the beginning. How could anyone possibly clean up the absolute mess that Bush/Cheney have created? The massive deficit, the almost universal hatred of the United States, the distrust of the entire world, the legacy of murder, torture and civilian deaths, the uncritical support for the Israel theft of Palestinian land and water, the wanton destruction of the environment and the economy? I am not a religious person but things are so bad it may be that prayer is the only hope.

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