Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The pathologically stupid

In the emerald forest
a tiny fawn
with innocent eyes
hides in the ferns,
as beauty hides truth.

What is the matter with the American public? At least a large portion of it? Can they not see the absolute ENORMITY of the crime that has been committed? Bush/Cheney lied to Congress and the American public in order to bring about a “war” that was totally unnecessary. Iraq was NOT a threat to the United States. Iraq was NOT involved with terrorism and 9-11. Bush/Cheney and the neocons planned an attack on Iraq even before 9-ll. Iraq had NO weapons of mass destruction. They had NO means of attacking the United States. They were NOT trying to build nuclear weapons or any other WMD’s. As a result of the Bush/Cheney lies thousands upon thousands of perfectly innocent people have died, to say nothing of more than 1100 American troops. The Bush administration is despised all around the world. American prestige and credibility has disappeared. Bush/Cheney who should have been impeached (at he very least) are actually running for office. And somehow, in all this madness, there are citizens who actually support them. How can this be? Are we really a nation half moron and half free? I am sorry to have to say it, but you would have to be virtually pathologically stupid not to understand this.

I am not certain I can survive another two weeks of electioneering until November 2nd. I no longer watch any tv news as I live in fear that I might actually have to either see or hear this bumbling stupid man recite a prepared text to a carefully screened audience of mindless cheering fools who seem to believe that God does, indeed, speak directly to George W. Bush. We are now being forced to review The History of Warfare Between Science and Theology all over again. In short, we are reverting back to the Middle Ages. Bush may believe in his intuition and gut feelings. I do not.

There are things about Kerry that I do not like. For example, his apparently uncritical absolute support for Israel. I also do not like his support of continuing on in the lost Iraqi situation. But unless you want another four years of incompetence, insanity, and national suicide you had better vote for him.

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