Tuesday, October 26, 2004


A mere 380,000 tons of explosives missing? What’s the problem? John Kerry is simply a Monday morning quarterback for even raising the question, according to Dick (the Slimy) Cheney.

Illegally trying to suppress the vote in Ohio, Florida, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Oregon and no doubt elsewhere? What’s the problem?

What was that bulge under your coat? Ah, well, some people say it was some kind of device, I don’t know, if someone would tell me how it works maybe I’d understand it. It was really my Tailor’s fault, a bad shirt.

I believe it is possible, perhaps not all of the time, but most of the time, to tell when someone is lying. When I saw Bush’s response to this question there was no doubt whatsoever in my mind that he was lying.

And then there are the polls. Most everyone with a brain larger than a pea knows that the polls being reported are utterly useless. And yet we keep on being polled and given the results as if somehow they have meaning. Somewhere I read that recently there have been 112 separate polls. Some show Bush ahead, some Kerry, but always we are being told that the race is too close to call, a dead heat, unpredictable. If you pay no attention to this polling nonsense and consider other developments it makes no sense to conclude that the race is going to be close. First, there is the massive registration of new voters, mostly by Democrats. There is the fact that cell phone users are not even being polled and most of them are younger voters who favor Kerry. Related to this is the massive registrations of University students who also favor Kerry by a large margin. Then there is the fact that so many newspapers, even those who previously endorsed Bush are now endorsing Kerry. There is also the fact that Bush/Cheney are almost universally despised by people around the world as well as Democrats here at home. It is known that a majority of women believe in a woman’s choice and do not want abortion rights taken away. Most of the big labor unions are going for Kerry. A very large majority of black voters will vote for Kerry and likewise a majority of Hispanics will also. Even many Republicans, even lifetime Republicans, have announced they will support Kerry or, in the case of some, will simply not vote. The New Yorker magazine, breaking an 80 year old tradition, is endorsing Kerry. If the Dow Industrial Average is below 10,200, which it currently is, the incumbents will almost surely lose.There is simply no way this election will be too close to call – unless, of course, Republican dirty tricks can somehow salvage the day. Although they are certainly trying, this seems to me unlikely. Democrats are not willing to just give up this time without a real fight. And as justice is clearly on their side they will ultimately win.

Bush/Cheney and their neocon thugs should just resign and throw themselves on the mercy of the court. With their record of deceit, greed, arrogance, incompetence, and serial lying they should not be allowed to even run for office, let alone expect to be elected. And they should not expect mercy.

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