Thursday, January 29, 2009


Drunken Wyoming man arrested
for riding white horse slowly
down highway during blizzard.

Rush Limbaugh wants Obama and his administration (liberals, in Rush’s view) to fail. The Republicans seem to have decided to try to make sure that they do fail. Apparently Limbaugh is becoming one of the leaders of the Republican party. One Congressman who had the temerity to criticize Limbaugh later had to recant and apologize to him. Can a Congressman fall any lower than that? I don’t see how. Is this the way U.S. politics is supposed to work? Our country is in big trouble, as everyone knows, Obama and his administration are charged with trying to get us out of this trouble as soon and practicable as possible. Republicans want him to fail. Should the Republicans not be responsible for helping him? Is it not un-American to try to insure that he fails when trying to save the country from this economic meltdown? I suppose it depends upon what one thinks is American. I tend to believe that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. It is also a land of opportunity in which everyone should have a chance to have a job and at least a bit of security. I believe workers should have the right to fight for these rights if need be. Not Republicans, who fiercely oppose labor unions. To me that is un-American. I believe we should have universal health care. Not Republicans, who believe only those wealthy enough to afford it should have it. I believe we should have free public education with quality schools and teachers. Not Republicans, many of whom would seem to prefer we had no schools at all. I believe it is the responsibility of government to help citizens in need. Not Republicans who could care less if they starve on the streets of our cities in the midst of decay. I believe in Social Security for the elderly. Not so Republicans who would abolish it entirely if they could. I also believe women should have a choice in how their bodies are used. Not Republicans who think such decisions should be left to a congress of old men. I think women should receive equal pay for equal work. Not so Republicans who begrudge pay to anyone for their labor at all. I have concluded after all these many years that Republicans, far from being compassionate conservatives, are basically racist elitists who lack even basic empathy for ordinary people. In all of these respects I think they are in my opinion decidedly un-American. While they should be hanging their collective heads in shame after what they have done to our country in the past eight years, they seem to think we should listen to them and take them seriously when they promote their same failed ideas over and over again, parroting them with such a single mindedness one has to wonder if there are even sane. If it is not clear by now they have no understanding of bipartisanship, and no inclination whatsoever for it, you have not been paying attention.

Obama has gone far enough, even too far, to get these small smooth-brained cretins to do the right thing. He should just move ahead without them and let them disappear into the dust of history where they and their failed ideas belong. History will treat them no better than their idiot ex-president.

It is now quite lawful for a Catholic woman to avoid pregnancy by a resort to mathematics, though she is still forbidden to resort to physics or chemistry.

H. L. Mencken

Honore de Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature.

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