Monday, January 12, 2009

The Israeli Death Wish

Chinese woman, 107, seeks first
husband, as her surviving relatives
are too old to care for her.

As the United States Congress, along with their Israeli “pals,” have now revealed themselves as a group of genocidal maniacs, the nation of Israel is almost surely doomed. No, not next year, or perhaps even for many years, but it will not ultimately survive. Try as they might, with all of their state-of-the-art U.S. supplied weaponry, even including their use of illegal phosphorous bombs, they will not be able to kill all the Arabs, not even all the Palestinians. No matter how the current genocidal program in Gaza ends, it will not be the end. The Israeli fat lady has not yet sung, but she will eventually, and it will be over. The Israeli death wish will come true, even with the help of its only friend trying to protect it.

The only realistic solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem would have to be a two state situation, with both states living side-by-side in peace. I believe that is no longer possible. Even if there were to be two states they could never live in peace. Not now, not after this latest Israeli attempt at genocide, an attempt so blatant there is no longer even a pretense of anything else. For the Israelis, the Palestinians are non-humans and must be either totally eliminated or at least reduced to a population so emasculated, starving, and helpless they will have no alternative but to abjectly surrender and accept the reservation life that will be their fate. Even if this were to happen it is unlikely the Arab world, along with the Iranians, would ever forgive and forget. The Israelis have sealed their own fate. What will eventually become of them I do not know. Perhaps like the Flying Dutchman, they will be sentenced to roam the world until they find someone who loves them. After their current Gaza adventure this will not be easy.

The only alternative to the two state solution would be a one state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians share the same territory and the same government. But with the demographics what they are, the Israelis would be overwhelmed in just a short time by the Arabs. They could perhaps try for a time to continue the present apartheid situation, but like South Africa and other colonial attempts it would ultimately fail. Both Israel and the U.S. seem incapable of understanding that colonialism is dead. The rest of the world has moved on, given up their colonies and their empires to the judgment of history. We are presently witnessing the inevitable end of the American empire, as well as the failure of Israel to succeed in its attempt in Palestine. Thus, it seems to me that whatever happens in Gaza in the next few days or weeks, will not matter much in the long run. At best it is merely the penultimate attempt to maintain a dying chapter in human affairs. It may linger on painfully and hopelessly for a time, but is inevitably doomed. What might happen next is perhaps too potentially horrible to speculate about, but I guess the peoples of the world will either learn to live in peace or the earth itself may once again revert to some more primordial condition. Why do I worry or speculate about such things that are not going to affect me? I don’t know. It seems to be part of my own peculiar human condition.

There seems to be considerable excitement now on the internet that Obama will abandon the Bush/Cheney approach to the Israeli/Palestinian problem (which seems to have varied between either benign neglect or enthusiastic support for Israel) and become more actively engaged. As above, I fear this may be too little and too late. While I admire Obama and hope for the best, I do not believe he can walk on water or leap tall buildings at a single bound. History seems to move on inexorably, inevitably, and independently of human will, even though Great Men do sometimes influence it. Indeed, greatness is perhaps measured by the amount of influence involved. If ever we needed a Great Man it is now.

“Une maison sans chat, c’est la vie sans soleil!” (A house without a cat is like life without sunshine).
Therese Asche

The Alhambra, completed in the late 1300's, was the official residence of the Moors when they controlled Spain. The translation of Alhambra is the "red fortress."

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