Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Don't close Guantanamo!

Man drives loaner car on river ice in
search of lost dog, locks himself out,
watches exhaust heat ice and car disappear.

Don’t close Guantanamo! But by all means remove all the current prisoners and put them in places where they can have fair trials in a legitimate legal system, instead of the illegal and unconstitutional kangaroo courts in Guantanamo without even the benefit of habeas corpus. Guantanamo should be kept open, however, as it would be the perfect facility for Bush/Cheney and their band of criminals. According to what we have been told by Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others, it is almost as if it was designed for white collar criminals. Remember the wonderful tropical climate, the gourmet food, the kindly guards, the comfortable cells, and otherwise pleasant conditions we were assured were to be found there. Bush/Cheney and the others could luxuriate there, we wouldn’t even have to charge them with any particular crime, and sentences could be infinite if necessary. This would afford us an opportunity, using their own “enhanced interrogation techniques” (which are not torture, they assured us) to find out what they did with all the billions they filched from the taxpayers, the means they employed, the corporations and companies involved, and so on. No doubt the much vaunted secrecy of the Bush/Cheney administration would crumble under interrogation and we could learn of crimes of which we were probably completely unaware had even happened. It seems to me that incarcerating them at Guantanamo would make perfect sense as on the one hand the facility already exists, thus saving much needed funds, and it would also keep the prisoners from being potentially attacked by angry prisoners already in our Federal and State prisons (that are already seriously overcrowded). Besides, Guantanamo is close to the U.S. but at the same time far enough away to discourage too many visitors. We could allow them to have lawyers, but only after the first few weeks or months. Phone calls and mail, if allowed, would need to be monitored and censored. I should think this is a near perfect solution for something that desperately needs to be done, and truly fitting. Maybe we could even learn which one was responsible for the essentially free pass the male prostitute, Gannon/Guckert, was allowed into the White House, a mystery that was never solved (Morialekafa never forgets).
Along these same lines, why do you think Bush did not pardon anyone who was complicit in any of these many crimes, not even Libby? My guess (and it is not much more than that) is that to pardon them would be an admission of guilt that Bush/Cheney want to avoid. I believe they are gambling that Obama and the democrats will not attempt to prosecute them at all (I wonder if Obama has made any kind of deal), and if they do, they will argue that whatever they did, they did for patriotism and defense of country. They clearly know that Obama has monumental problems to face and would prefer not to have to investigate and prosecute. They also know the democrats do not want to appear vindictive. Personally, I think Obama is legally obliged under our Constitution to investigate and prosecute if necessary (and I cannot believe it would not be necessary). If they are ultimately prosecuted I doubt any defense will work for them. I wouldn’t waste any time worrying about what republicans think of it, as it is entirely necessary whether vindictive or not. It also appears that the U.N. itself could take action against war criminals independently of the U.S. Furthermore, many countries, like Germany, France, etc. could also arrest these war criminals should they set foot in their countries. An Israeli General barely avoided arrest in London for war crimes, for example. This, along with what I perceive to be growing sentiment here for investigation and prosecution, leads me to believe this will become unavoidable (unless the U.S., under Obama, wants to admit to aiding, abetting, and defending known war criminals, which seems highly unlikely).

When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'
Theodore Roosevelt

The eating of raw camel liver has been linked to the bubonic plague.

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