Sunday, January 25, 2009

From loyal opposition to treason

Old man visiting parents’
gravesite crushed to death
by falling tombstone.

Well, the imbecilic Rush Limbaugh has finally blurted out the truth, spilled the beans, coughed it up, spit it out, gave it away. Consider what he said about Obama: “I know what his plans are…I don’t want them to succeed…I hope he fails.” This is nothing short of outright treason, and unfortunately we cannot assume that this braying jackass is speaking only for himself as he represents millions of his dittohead followers in at least the right wing, if not the entirety, of the Republican party. Similarly, you cannot assume he is speaking only of Barack Obama, as Obama is obviously the representative of the Democratic party, which now constitutes the majority government of the United States. Thus Limbaugh is calling for nothing less than the destruction of our current governmental body. That is, to me at least, treason. This signals to me a drastic change in U.S. politics, beginning, I believe, during the Clinton administration, and involving a dramatic change in the two party system we have always followed until recently. It has to do with no less than the Republican party changing from a legitimate political party (and a loyal opposition) into a kind of criminal conspiracy that I have previously referred to as the Brafia (a kind of Bush/Republican crime syndicate).
In all democratic systems there has been the concept of “the loyal opposition.” This refers to the party or parties that are currently out of power but who nonetheless accept the legitimacy of the party in power and the system in which they exist. When they disagree with the policies of the party in power they attempt to influence them within reasonable, well-established and commonly understood methods. They do not attempt to bring down the party in power by illegitimate means. I believe this changed for the first time during the Clinton administration. When Clinton outsmarted them and they could not bring him and his administration down using legal means they resorted to what I have previously termed “roviation” (roviate v. to smear, slime, malign, denigrate, and attempt to destroy an opponent through the use of innuendo, rumor, slander, outright lies and any other despicable means available” Morialekafa 9-18-05). This was not done out of love of country or patriotism but, rather, to seize power for their own personal and party motives. These motives had nothing to do with the welfare of our country or its citizens. It had to do with raiding the taxpayers and the U.S. Treasury to transfer wealth from those sources to their corporate and wealthy supporters. They did this by creating unnecessary “wars” and taking advantage of natural calamities so they could award no-bid and cost-plus contracts indiscriminately. Under the tutelage of the evil twins, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney they shamelessly and relentlessly attempted to change our two party system to a single party dictatorship, and came perilously close to succeeding. Along the way they ignored our Constitution and International treaties as “just goddamn pieces of paper,” and left a wake of unconscionable and unnecessary war crimes in the form of murder, torture, theft, misery, arson and bloodshed to what will be the never-ending shame of our country.
Unhappily, even though this criminal conspiracy is now finally out of office, the nightmare years of the 21st century they created will be with us for quite some time to come. What they have done will not be easily undone. The monumental tasks confronting Obama are nothing less than trying to restore our national honor, reduce our staggering national debt, rebuild our decaying infrastructure, bring an honorable end to two lost “wars,” restore some semblance of balance between the middle class and the obscenely wealthy elite, deal with the problems of global warming and energy independence, attempt to solve the virtually intractable Israeli/Palestinian problem, and many, many more. Rush Limbaugh, and those he represents want to see him fail. If Obama fails, our government fails. If wishing for our government to fail is not treason, what is?

For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else.
Sir Winston Churchill

The Alaskan population of muskoxen was wiped out in the late 19th or early 20th century and had to be restored by Fish and Game.

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