Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Divine Right

Doctor sues ex-wife for payment
for kidney he donated her
while they were married.

At this very moment a number of Israeli settler/vultures, most of whom were previously forcibly removed from Gaza, are waiting on the border to re-enter and re-claim (re-steal) land. Their rationale for this, “Divine Right.” That’s it. Remember the concept of Divine Right of Kings, whereby Kings were allowed to do most anything because they were believed to be sanctioned by God. In this case these Israeli bandits believe they have a Divine Right to Palestinian lands because God gave it to them. Whose God? Their God, of course. I don’t know what Allah might think about it, or any other God for that matter. It is a clever idea, however. In my case, for example, my God, “Big Juju,” has recently told me (I communicate with him ever Saturday morning at precisely 8:00 a.m.) that in a previously incarnation long ago I was an American Indian living on the land that is now under the Washington Monument. He has instructed me to take it back, partly because he cannot stand phallic symbols and I should destroy the monument. I told him I only have a pick and shovel whereas those that control the Monument have armies and tanks and cannons and helicopter gunships and F-16 Fighter jets and nuclear bombs and stuff like that. Big Juju said that doesn’t matter, I should keep on trying to re-capture it because it is the right thing to do. But the more I try, the more of my tribe gets killed and injured. We are also humiliated whenever we try to approach too close to this American icon. I have been throwing garbage cans full of garbage at them but it doesn’t work very well. Geez, I wish I had some real weapons, but more than that, I wish I had someone to help me. My people are starving and without medical attention or electricity and water and other necessities, but everyone just tells me it’s all my own fault. At least the “Mandate from Heaven” (a sort of Asian version of Divine Right) assumed a benevolent power would be in charge. And here I thought the concept of Divine Right went out with the bow and arrow as the chief weapon of warfare, or perhaps the side saddle..

How petty can you get? Barack Obama and his family were denied the use of Blair House, the usual residence of the President-elect and family, while waiting for the inauguration, on the grounds that it was booked. Blair House has 119 rooms. The only person booked is apparently the ex Prime-Minister of Australia who nobody even likes (except Bush who is going to give him a medal). So the Obamas, our next President and First Lady, are forced to stay in a hotel, that, I guess, was considered unsuitable for such an honored dignitary as the visiting Australian ex-Prime Minister. If that was not enough of a petty snub, Laura Bush has just revealed a whole new set of White House dishes, two weeks before she will be leaving the White House. I suppose she was honestly concerned about Michelle’s taste (they are colored, you know). These people are small, small, small.

It looks almost certain that Blagojevich will win! Roland Burris will almost surely be seated as the junior Senator from Illinois. Harry Reid and the rest of the Democrats will be seen as having egg on their face for some time to come, and are now stumbling and fumbling their way to a solution to a problem of their own making (of course Blagojevich, clever devil that he is, helped). Al Franken’s win is still being held up by the hypocritical Coleman who does not want to be the one defeated by both a professional wrestler and a comedian. I notice on MSNBC they have resurrected an old video clip of Franken imitating Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones. I guess they think this will somehow make Franken look less Senatorial. Actually, it was a terrific imitation by a talented guy, and at least Franken was a comedian before he became a Senator, unlike most of the others who apparently waited until after they were elected to become comedians.

Would someone, anyone, please explain to me how it is possible to spend $236,000 remodeling a bathroom. I know it was paneled, and had a freezer (?) and a shower, and whatever else a bathroom presumably has, but, really, $236,000? What kind of baths does Dirk Kempthorne take? I can only assume they are not telling us that the fixtures were all of solid gold, but I was certainly relieved to learn that the towels were not monogrammed. I guess Dirk was trying to bring his Washington, D.C. office up to the standards he was used to back here in good ol’ Idaho. Is this just another example of Divine Right?

This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.
Will Rogers

Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948 as a result of the previous British Mandate on Palestine.

1 comment:

Bubblehead said...

Actually, Jews and Muslims (and most Christians) worship the same God, the God of Abraham. "Allah" is simply Arabic for "God".

Some "Christians", like Idaho's own Bryan Fischer, seem to worship a different God, in that they say they don't have the same God as Muslims. Since Muslims worship the God of Abraham, I'm not sure who they're following.