Sunday, May 25, 2008

Server problem

We are having trouble with our server and have been mostly unable to blog or do anything else on the web until just now. And of course as it is a long weekend there isn’t much news on TV either. I guess everyone is either caught up with Indiana Jones or Recount. Why people are so obsessed with the former, a kind of glorified “B” picture, and the latter, which we already know all about, is not entirely clear to me. Maybe we should be excited that Bob Barr finally won the right to represent the Libertarians after several votes. I find it difficult to be excited about any of these subjects. I find Hillary Clinton’s unfortunate slip of the tongue about assassination no longer of interest. In fact, I’m sick of the whole business and just want it to be over soon.

What I do find of interest is the fact that developments in the Middle East are now going on more or less as if the U.S. is irrelevant. Bush/Cheney have apparently managed to screw things up so badly, and have weakened the U.S. so badly that Israel, Syria, Turkey, and the Saudis, among others, no longer pay any attention to us. A really great job Bush! The danger here is that Bush/Cheney may try to regain attention (or on the other hand, escape attention for their crimes) by an attack on Iran, which will make the Iraqi disaster look like a picnic. As they are already guilty of war crimes what will it matter if they do it again? Murderers are murderers whether they have committed only one murder or many. Cheney, I heard, owns a house in Dubai, and it is also known (I think) that the Bush people own a huge tract of land in Paraguay. Is that of significance or not? In any case, time is now running out for the Brafia criminals. Will justice prevail or has justice become just a joke here in what used to be our fair country?

“Did he see his reflection
in adoring eyes
and lose perspective?
Or did he, like Icarus
simply fly too near the sun?”

Sue-Stapleton Tkach

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