Friday, May 02, 2008

Its the racism, stupid

Racism.That’s what it has all come down to. Just consider the facts. Something like 88% or more of black people will vote for Obama. Large numbers of college educated voters will vote for Obama. Who apparently does not vote for him? Working class people earning under $50,000 a year and older white women. And who make up Hillary’s base, working class white males and older white women. And who is Hillary courting? Older white women and working class white males. I’m not much for generalizations but I’ll bet that out of a million working class white males there are signficantly more racists than there are in a million college educated people. Not all working class white males are racist, of course, but many are. And not all older white women are racists, either, but I’m sure many are. Of course they probably wouldn’t admit to being racists if you asked them. And they have rationalizations for not voting for Obama, like he’s too inexperienced, or they don’t know enough about him, or maybe he’s a secret Muslim, or something. But it’s basically racism that motivates them. Obama’s race was slyly introduced by Bill Clinton but it would have come up anyway. Our corporate masters, including the MSM, are so terrified that Obama might win and actually do something to bring about meaningful change they are pulling out all stops and the most logical and easiest focus of attack is on Obama’s race. They don’t say this, of course, but that’s what it is all about. Consider, for example, the Reverend Wright story. This is an obvious red herring that has nothing to do with whether Obama would be a good President or not. This could easily have run its course and be behind us, but the MSM won’t let it go. Every day, without fail, and as often as possible, they ask “will the Wright story go away or will it affect the nomination,” and etc. Of course it won’t go away when they keep bringing it up every day. You don’t notice them obsessing on Hagee in the same way, do you? Hagee, who has said things every bit as bad, or worse, than anything Wright has said, is getting a free pass along with his buddy, McCain.

If this is not enough to convince anyone, what about Bill and Hillary’s recent ventures into the ultra right-wing media. They are going on Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, and so on, shows that in the past have always been critical of them. And they have also courted and been courted by Murdoch and Skafee (sp?). What do these right-wingers share? Racism. It is interesting that Limbaugh is actively urging people to vote for Hillary, presumably because the Brafia wants to run against her rather than Obama. I believe there is another motive at work here, if Hillary gets the nomination the right will win no matter who becomes President. It will either be McCain or Hillary Clinton and there is little or no difference between them. It’s a win-win deal for them. When you have 88% of blacks voting for Obama and only 33% or so of working class white men, what do you think is going on? Much of it is racism, pure and simple, no matter what other excuses you may hear. And Hillary is pandering to these people shamelessly. Her gas tax proposal, that is panned by everyone who knows anything much about it, is absolutely naked pandering to a population she obviously believes is too stupid to see through it. And her trying to pass herself of as just a good ol’ whiskey and beer drinking bowler while labeling Obama an elitists is ridiculous in the extreme, but she seems to think the great unwashed will buy it.

I guess I shouldn’t be such an elitist myself but I assure you if I had a choice between having a million college educated voters pick my President as compared with a million working stiffs with far less education, the choice would not be difficult. And while I’m on the subject, let me vent something that has troubled me for years. I have a Ph.D. That seems to make me a “pointy-headed intellectual,” or one of them “college perfessors” that really don’t understand what life is like for our god-fearing working classes. I don’t know any Professor or college educated individual who was born that way. In my case I worked at 15 years of age in a Safeway store for 25 cents an hour. I also worked in a butcher shop skinning wieners. Later I worked as a common laborer for a contractor known as “Hurry-up-Johnson, carrying bags of cement and wheeling wheelbarrows full of it. I also worked for the Montana Power Company putting in power poles and stubs. I spent a miserable summer cutting caps and stulls for the mines and also worked for a time in a mill. Later I worked for two years or more in the Aircraft Industry in Southern California. I also worked as a bartender for a number of years. I was drafted and served in the army as an enlisted man. After all this, and a great deal of effort, I managed to finish college and eventually get a Ph.D., spending a couple of years in the New Guinea Highlands. I also lived for a year in Germany. I am not bringing this up for sympathy but simply to make the point. I did not spring from my Mother’s womb with a Ph.D. And I am far from ignorant about what goes on in the working world. When people dismiss me as just some out-of-touch college professor I truly resent it and I know they have no idea whatsoever what they are talking about. I am not unique in this respect. Most of the college educated people I know, especially those with advanced degrees, went through the same kinds of experiences. They were not born college professors or Ph. D’s. While there are doubtless some individuals who were born into wealthy families and perhaps escaped the realities of life I’m quite convinced they are a minority. To stereotype the College educated as necessarily out of touch is as ridiculous as claiming that all rednecks have red necks or chew tobacco. I don’t want a President as dumb as me, someone to drink a beer with, I want one who is brilliant, charismatic, inspiring, and (for a change) competent. Hillary and Bill Clinton are in the pockets of the corporations, promoting NAFTA and CAFTA and HAFTA and whatever, but they will not bring about any meaningful changes in the way our corrupt system is currently working. Obama might not either, but, then, he might. That’s much more than you can say for the Clintons and the DLC.

“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.”
Diogenes Laertius


Anonymous said...

"When you have 88% of blacks voting for Obama and only 33% or so of working class white men, what do you think is going on?"

I believe you need to look at this again. The numbers clearly show that the black voters are racist. 88%? Please don't tell me that you think that race isn't playing a part in this.

Anonymous said...

You might actually consider taking the time to learn something about people before you go saying rude, insulting things about them. Racist is a terrible accusation to make.

Obama just isn't what we want from a politician. Aren't we entitled to a vote same as anyone? (for the moment, anyway)

He's everything I don't like in a politician - he whines, he blames everything on Hillary, he hangs out with sleazy bigots who want to blow up America, his wife is rude, he has no sense of judgment or appropriateness, he won't state what he believes, and he talks about vague, fuzzy things like "hope" instead of talking about issues.

But ultimately the real reason we won't vote for him here in my working class corner of the US is because while you talk about how pretty words can make the world all full of daisies, we have real economic troubles with collapsing tax base issues and downward pressure on wages and we know he won't be any better than W. was, economically. He doesn't even pretend to care about our issues.

And he and his surrogates and his supporters are always finding new and creative ways to insult us - calling us racist and bigots, as if we were the ones with the big problem toward people 'not like ourselves'! It's the college educated who really ought to be looking at their own attitudes toward what Randi Rhodes is so pleased to call "white trash", if they want to know why Obama is tanking.

Give us Hillary Clinton, who doesn't talk as pretty but she will get us out of Iraq and she will fix the economy and she will do good for our schools and she will send Bill all over the world repairing the damage W did with foreign nations.

Oh, and the working class is also furious at the way Barack Obama has slandered Bill Clinton - the best President we've had in our lifetimes.