Thursday, May 15, 2008


It’s simple. He’s a Nitwit. Keith Olberman, among others, is outraged that Bush claimed to have given up golf as his sacrifice for the “war.” He said he didn’t want mothers whose sons had died in Iraq to see him playing golf. I guess he didn’t mind them seeing him at McCain’s birthday party, or dancing on the White House steps, or searching under chairs and tables for non-existent WMD’s, or claiming that the best moment of his Presidency was when he caught a seven pound bass in the stocked lake on his pig farm, or playing the guitar while New Orleans was destroyed, or walking hand in hand with the Saudis, or riding his bike, or sailing with his father, or hugging a giant Easter Bunny, or whatever. Besides, he lied, he was playing golf two months after he claimed he had stopped. Now Democrats are outraged because he compared Obama’s willingness to talk with Iran with the appeasement of Hitler prior to his attack on Poland. Granted this was pretty vile, to say nothing of completely absurd, as well as devoid of common sense, but things like this don’t bother Bush. They don’t even bother me (anymore) because I know from almost eight years of experience that the reason he does these things is simple, He’s a nitwit. This has been apparent from the very beginning of his Presidency. I have said all along that he is marginally retarded. I believe it’s true. I also believe that he reads speeches as they are given to him. He has neither the knowledge nor interest to read and edit them in advance and I don’t believe he even understands them (I’m not sure but I believe even one of his speechwriters claimed this was true). Bewildered by the criticism, as he has no idea what he did, he and his spokesperson now claim he wasn’t talking about Obama. He was apparently unaware that the person he referred to as wishing to have talked to Hitler (before he attacked Poland) was, in fact, a Republican Senator from Idaho, Senator Borah (who established the Borah Peace Conference at the University of Idaho way back when). I have no doubt a clever speech writer could get him to say anything, no matter how outrageous, because he is basically oblivious to anything more complicated than “My Pet Goat.” He reminds me of a bar owner in my home town who was known to be a few cards short of a full deck, so to speak. One of the local wags proved this by getting him to cash a check. The check was made out on “The Bank of Nowhere,” and was signed by someone named “U. R. Stuck.”

Those Senators and Congresspersons who used to be known as Republicans, are now in a panic, suddenly realizing that what they have done for the past eight years is going to finally catch up with them. Having been fully complicit in allowing Bush/Cheney to get away with war crimes and repeated violations of the Constitution, to the point where they converted what was the Republican Party into a vast criminal conspiracy (the Bush Republican Mafia, otherwise known as the Brafia), they are now in a tizzy over the fact that they are going to suffer a monumental defeat in the coming elections. They have lost three consecutive special elections to Democrats in areas that were strongly Brafia, some are predicting a 20 seat loss in the House (I think it might even be worse). I believe, at least I hope, we are about to see enacted on a massive scale, that old adage, “crime doesn’t pay.” Unfortunately, it has certainly paid off handsomely for them for the past eight years, systematically transferring taxpayer monies into the pockets of fat cats and corporations. They know they would be safe with McCain or even Hillary, but are terrified of Obama who might actually enact some changes. Of course it remains to be seen how actively or conscientiously Obama will try to confront the robber barons and other criminals who have succeeded for so long in their campaign of murder, arson, pillage and rape. You know they will attack and oppose him in every way possible. Ironically, our White Hope, our White Knight, may turn out to be part black. I love it. He may not come to our rescue but at the moment, “he’s the only game in town.”

Do you think there is a crash course for those who agree to act as the White House Spokesperson, at the end of which they agree to say anything they are told to say no matter how dishonest, hypocritical, stupid, ridiculous, evil, or humiliating? The young lady currently serving in this capacity must have been at the top of her class. She says with a perfectly straight face that Bush was not referring to Obama when he made his idiotic statement about appeasement, just as she also claimed that “Mission Accomplished” really referred to the fact that the voyage of the aircraft carrier was over. What will her experience as White House Spokesperson qualify her for in the future? This reminds me of an ex-Marine who, when filling out a job application, came to a question about what his previous job qualified him to do. He wrote, “Murder, Arson, and Rape.” Ms. Perino’s performance seems to demonstrate a remarkable capacity for dishonest and mindless loyalty. No doubt she will move up in the Brafia hierarchy (if it survives at all).

“Take hope from the heart of man, and you make him a beast of prey.”

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