Saturday, May 10, 2008


Stuck firmly in mud while digging
for geoducks, man is saved by
quick thinking innovative fireman.

Has anyone asked any of those hard-working, non-college educated, white voters how they feel about the insinuation they are racists? I have known and still do know quite a few such individuals and I am certain they are not all racists. Their failure to vote in large numbers for Obama may have little to do with racism as such. The Clintons are well-known, Obama is not so well known. Those who get to know him seem to like him. The longer the Clintons claim hard-working whites as their base (with the insinuation they are racists),the more they may lose them (I think). There are some racists, of course. But there are a lot of nuts, too. Just yesterday a man came into my friend’s shop and announced in stentorian tones, “I’d vote for a communist before I’d vote for Obama.” Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) my friend simply dismissed him as an idiot and didn’t bother to ask him why (there is no point in engaging such individuals in conversation unless you enjoy completely wasting your time). Happily, most hard-working whites, at least the ones I know, basically want to be left alone to raise their children and enjoy life as much as they can. While there is obviously still racism in American society we have come a very long way. There have been Black Governors, Congresspersons, Senators, successful business persons, entertainers, athletes, and even billionaires. Blacks are featured on TV, in movies, in interracial situations of all kinds, marriages, and so on. These things are just taken for granted now (certainly by the younger generations) in ways they were absolutely not when I was younger. And if our hard-working, non-college educated people favor Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama, that does not mean they will favor John McCain over him (they might, but I think that is unlikely given our current situation).

And speaking of our current situation, I think John McCain is really little more than a sacrificial candidate. Brafians know they have no chance of winning the 2008 election. The record of the Bush/Cheney disaster of the past eight years is so obvious there is little or no chance any Brafia criminal could be elected. Remember many of them did not want McCain (and still don’t), but they still allowed him to win the nomination. Can any of them seriously believe that a candidate who wants to continue the Bush/Cheney reign of lies, terror, and illegal war could be elected? Bush has the lowest poll ratings of any President in recorded history. Cheney has no poll ratings at all in all probability. Everyone is sick of the Iraq disaster, the economy is in the tank, everyone knows what Bush/Cheney have been up to with their torture and “strong executive” policies. Everyone knows they have violated the Constitution repeatedly and also committed war crimes of a very serious nature. They are now little more than laughingtocks that everyone is waiting impatiently to go away as quickly as possible. Polls show the momentum is overwhelmingly on the side of the Democrats. And democrats have been registering and volunteering in record numbers. It is said there may be as many as one million volunteers for Obama. This is totally unprecedented, just as a million and a half donors to his campaign is unprecedented. McCain has lukewarm financial and other support. In spite of this the MSM keep telling us that he is running even with the Democratic candidates, and implying that he might even win the Presidency. I could be wrong about this (and I certainly have been wrong a lot in the past), but I believe this is sheer fantasy, McCain has virtually no chance at all to win. But as he is an old man and a war hero I guess they are willing to let him have his day, knowing full well that it is little more than a feeble gesture. This is the reason they would like Hillary to win as she is basically one of them. I think this has been their strategy from the very beginning. But Obama will win, the Brafia will spend the next four years doing everything they can to keep him from being successful, and then they will get serious about a candidate for 2012. In the loony words of our current useless President, “bring it on.”

“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.”
Blaise Pascal

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