Wednesday, May 21, 2008


It’s confusing, but not very amusing. So Clinton, as predicted, won big in Kentucky. Obama, as predicted, won in Oregon. In Kentucky, as in West Virginia, about one fifth of the voters admitted that race was involved in their decision. This means there must have been many more voters who felt that way but did not admit it. So now Clinton keeps harping about Obama’s failure to win the “working-class white vote.” However, he won it at least reasonably in Oregon and also previously in Wisconsin, Indiana, and other states. What does that tell you? It tells me what I have known all along; white working-class racists will not vote for an African-American. How else would you explain, for example, that some 30% of voters in Kentucky say they won’t vote for Obama in the national election. They will presumably switch and vote for McCain, or they won’t vote. Why? Obviously because they are racists. I see no other explanation. In Oregon, Obama also did well with white women, usually Clinton voters. It is sad, but true, that racism lives in the U.S., and it lives mostly in Appalachia, and among relatively uneducated voters, which is not in the least bit surprising. Thus, when asking what could Clinton bring to the ticket, should she become the VP candidate, the answer would have to be at best, the racist vote, and some of the women’s vote. So who would be proud to claim the racist vote? But she probably couldn’t deliver the racist vote. Why would a racist changae his/her mind and vote for Obama just because Clinton was on the ticket? Curiously, the pundits on MSNBC don’t seem to be able to come right out and admit this. They keep talking about his failure to win the white working-class vote, which is true only in Appalachia. And they keep arguing that he has to somehow overcome this “flaw” in his campaign. One might well ask, how is he to overcome this blatant racism? Racists are not easily converted, at least not without considerable education. And while it may be true that Bush received a large cross-over vote in the last election, that had nothing to do with race as race was not an issue. Strangely, Americans seem to think that college educated voters have no more credence than non-college educated Americans. This fits completely with the tradition of anti-intellectualism in America, a tradition that is going to guarantee our gradual decline in all affairs of the world. We have been and continue, to lose out more and more to the Japanese, Chinese, Indians, and others who admire education and the advantages that accrue to it. We don’t let “no pointy-headed intellectuals tell us what to do.” If it’s someone you’d like to have a beer with, that’s plenty good enough to elect them as President of the most powerful nation on earth. It makes you wonder why anyone need bother getting an education as it doesn’t seem to improve them in any way. Only in America.

I guess I should think it was confusing that the Brafia is so opposed to change, but I don’t. They seem to be opposed to anything that makes sense at all. For example, they are now criticizing Obama by claiming that he wants to do away with the sanctions on Cuba. These sanctions have been in place for years and have achieved basically nothing. Many people have talked of abandoning them over the years but somehow it doesn’t happen. They make no sense whatsoever, especially given the fact that we deal openly with China, a communist country far more important than Cuba. Then they fuss about the fact that Hamas favors Obama. Why wouldn’t Hamas favor Obama. I suspect almost the whole world favors Obama, and why not when McCain offers only a continuation of the failed policies of Bush. Wouldn’t it be in our best interest to try to work out the problems rather than just continuing on in the same failed way? And of course they shudder at the thought that Obama might actually engage in diplomacy with Iran, something that would clearly be in our best interest (as opposed to threatening war and obliteration). Apparently they also fear that Obama might actually do something to try to settle the Israeli/Palestinian problem in a way that might treat the Palestinians as equals. Then there is Obama’s desire to get us out of Iraq which doesn’t play well with the Brafia as it threatens their continued war-profiteering. In short, it appears to me the Brafia does not want anyone to do anything to change the status quo. It would be difficult to be more anti-American.

Finally, I am confused over this continual talk about the popular vote. First, it was decided, and agreed to by everyone, that the delegates would decide the nomination. Clinton wants to change the rules in the middle of the game. Not only that, she wants to claim all the votes cast for her in Florida, where Obama did not complete, and even in Michigan, where his name was not even on the ballot. The MSM for some peculiar reason seems to go along with the nonsense that the popular vote is important. This is all the more confusing when you realize that at least four states (I think) do not even release the popular vote. Minnesota is one of them and Obama won Minnesota big time. So why don’t they simply laugh Clinton out of the game instead of pretending somehow that the popular vote is even worthy of mention. Like I say, it’s all very confusing and not in the least bit amusing, or even edifying. It’s the American way!

“One thinks of all the hands
That are raising dingy shades
In a thousand furnished rooms.
T. S. Eliot

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