Sunday, September 09, 2007


Well, Bubblehead, your are about to render me speechless with confusion. I scarcely know where to begin. The facts are clear, I believe, that Bush/Cheney and their minions lied to get us into a preemptive "war" against a sovereign country that was no threat to us or anyone else at the time we attacked. A preemptive "war" is a clearly defined war crime. Ignore for the moment the torture, killing of unarmed civilians, use of illegal weapons, etc. The fact that some individual soldiers may have been prosecuted for war crimes is basically irrelevant to this more basic issue. Will Bush/Cheney and their underlings be held accountable for their war crimes? You may be right that I am naive for believing this might happen but whether I am naive about it or not doesn't change the facts. You agree that war crimes have been committed but seem to think only by a few individual soldiers. That, I believe, is naive in the extreme, to say nothing of shamelessly ill-informed.

The insurgents commit war crimes also but only get punished if we catch or kill them. While the insurgents may commit war crimes while trying to remove our illegal occupying forces, they are at least trying to defend their country from blatant aggressors who are trying to steal their resources. Trying to defend your country and your resources is certainly not, in and of itself, a war crime. Premptively attacking a sovereign nation is a war crime.

In the course of this unnecessary "war" hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed and millions displaced from their homes amid untold misery and hardships. Hundreds of our best young people have given up their lives for this doomed cause and thousands more have been seriously wounded and their lives ruined forever. Following your argument, such as it is, this is not evil, because we could, if we wished, kill all of the Iraqis. Thus it would apparently only be evil if we killed everyone. So, Bush/Cheney, having not killed everyone, are not evil. I find this such a bizarre argument I can only conclude you have been drinking too deeply of the Bush/Cheney kool-aid.

Football mania is upon us. I like football, especially High School and College footall. I occasionally even watch part of a game. But, really, football on thursday night, friday night, all day saturday and sunday and then on monday night? Isn't that a bit much? It does help to keep our minds off the "war." What war? Oh, yeah, that "war." It's so easy to forget about it when you're not personally involved. How many killed today? Oh, that many. Gee, too bad. Have some more popcorn, the game is about to begin. Wow! Didja see that hit?

Problems closer to home: I think one of our kittens is spending her nights with a skunk. I know we have a skunk as there are telltale little holes all over the yard. I think the kitten stays out all night with the skunk and then passes out during the day. The other two cats never spend the night out. I have learned from google that it is not uncommon for cats and skunks to get along. I can hardly wait until she brings him home for dinner. I am trying to harvest plums before the deer get them all. They are not quite ripe but the deer are impatient. As there are few huckleberries this year we expect the bears any time now. They find the plums, pears, and garbage irresistible. We no longer feed the birds as the cats kill them and the bears eat the seeds. Its the eternal story of man against nature. Oh, well, things could be worse. We could be Republicans.

"Today the world faces a single man armed with weapons of mass destruction, manifesting an aggressive, bullying attitude, who may well plunge the world into chaos and bloodshed if he miscalculates. This person, belligerent, arrogant, and sure of himself, truly is the most dangerous person on Earth. The problem is that his name is George W. Bush, and he is our president."
Jack M. Balkin, Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Ammendment, Yale Law School, September 22, 2002


1 comment:

Bubblehead said...

We clearly aren't even speaking the same language. I'm assuming from your blanket statement about preemptive war that you believe Pres. Clinton and the leaders of all NATO countries are also war criminals for attacking Serbia in '98.