Sunday, September 23, 2007

The obvious truth seeps out

It seems like what should have been obvious all along is finally beginning to seep out. Greenspan spilled the beans about the reasons for attacking Iraq which, of course, had to do with oil. None of the current candidates for President, either Democrats or Republicans (with the exception of Kucinich and Richardson), have any plan to withdraw all of our troops (some will have to stay to protect our interests in the Middle East, our interests having to do with oil). It is impossible to get either the Senate or the House to vote to end the "war" and withdraw our troops - because the basic reason for keeping them there is oil, trillions of dollars worth. So there it finally is - the reason we attacked Iraq. It was not because of WMD's, not to rid them of a dictator, not to spread democracy into the Middle East, nor to seek revenge for Sadam wanting to kill Bush Sr., and not for anything other than the control of Middle East oil. Why didn't they just say so in the first place? Americans would surely have understood the importance of oil to their gas-guzzling habits and probably would have accepted that as a legitimate reason for illegally attacking a sovereign nation that was not otherwise a threat. We would have had to admit we were thieves but what the hell, oil is oil.

There have been large scale protests in Myanamar (Burma) in support of a change towards a different form of government. Someone asked the question: "why hasn't Bush intervened in the Burmese situation as they profess to desire democracy. The reason is simple, there is no oil there worth bothering about.

The hypocrisy surrounding the pretend government Bush/Cheney established in Iraq could never have been made any clearer than with this recent Blackwater fiasco. Blackwater is said to have murdered innocent civilians for no real cause, and there is said to be a videotape proving it. Maliki, our puppet in Iraq, demanded that Blackwater be thrown out of the country. He was soon put to right and naturally dropped the demand. So much for Iraqi sovereignty. But did anyone believe even for an instant that the present Iraqi government was anything other than a puppet one? You do have to give them some credit, they have so far managed to resist our outright theft of their oil, one of the benchmarks we have demanded.

Some interviewer, I think it was whats-his-face Wallace, asked Hillary why she was so partisan. She laughed at him then replied that if he had walked in her shoes for the past 15 or so years he wouldn't have to ask. A truly dumb question and a perfectly good answer. Hillary also voted against the resolution against the MoveOn ad. Although I don't truly fancy her as our candidate I have to admit she's piling up points and deserves to be the frontrunner. Her biggest problem for me is that huge DLC branded on her forehead, far worse than The Scarlet Letter.

"But there is neither East nor West,
border, nor breed, nor birth,
When two strong men stand face to
face, though they come from the
ends of the earth."
Rudyard Kipling

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