Monday, September 03, 2007

What is the point?

Does anyone know why Bush made a quick trip to Iraq? What was the point? Perhaps he went to confer with his pet General, Petraeus, just to make sure they had their stories straight. Maybe he and Condi just wanted to get away for a couple of days. Of course there's always the photo-ops. The troops can't very well refuse to stand next to their Commander-in-Chief when he wants a picture taken with them, even though they probably think the only thing he might be able to command is a chicken coop. Does anyone believe the troops are inspired by his visit, especially when he didn't even bring the fake turkey? And what was Condi doing? Reminding him to pack his shaving gear? I hate being so cynical (well, not really) but I cannot imagine any particular good coming from this visit.

There is increasing talk about attacking Iran, taking out all their facilities in three days, and so on. Very frightening. It would, of course, represent still another blatant war crime. But I guess if you've already committed war crimes what difference would one more make? If this attack actually materializes I believe it will constitute the most unnecessary and insane act ever committed by the United States. If Congress does not act to stop this they will be fully complicit in this insanity and should eventually face criminal trials just like Bush/Cheney. Even now I cannot believe they will actually go through with this act of utter madness. And again, it will all be based upon lies so obvious no one but children could possibly believe them.

"You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner."

1 comment:

Blue said...

Okay, LKBIQ? Some specific quotation source I presume.

As for Bush, nothing but the usual photo op/propaganda prior to the release of the "real" report this month.