Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rove, salivating

I believe that Karl Rove is out there actually salivating over the Democrats problem, at least what I think he may perceive to be the problem. In my amateur analysis of last night I didn't go far enough to consider all the possibilities and I dismissed Edwards far too casually. I think my basic position is quite likely correct but it needs some fine tuning. I could be totally wrong (and certainly not for the first time) but I believe Rove and the Republicans would prefer Obama as a candidate. Why? I hate to be so blunt, but because he's (horrors) black (and black enough for them). There is considerable doubt in my mind (and I know I'm not alone in this) that the U.S. is ready for a black President. I doubt that any polling will ever get a truthful answer to this question as most people won't admit to having doubts about a black President. What comes out in the voting booth might well be a very different thing. Furthermore, I have grave doubts that the U.S. is ready for a black woman as First Lady. I could be wrong about the American public in general but I'll bet the Republican "base" is not interested in either a black President or a black First Lady. And if the base comes out in droves it will spell trouble for Democrats. Somehow I just don't believe that all those southerners, NASCAR fans, and ultra-right religious nuts are ever going to accept the Obamas. It is most interesting that this point of view is apparently shared by many black people. Many of them say they can't support Obama because they just plain don't believe the U.S. will vote for a black.

This leads us to Hillary. If Rove can't have Obama to slime and slander the next best thing would be to have Hillary. Why? Because in addition to her negatives she is (gasp) a woman. If Americans aren't ready for a black President, are they ready for a woman President? I'm sure many are, but I'm equally sure many are not. And those that are not are probably pretty much the same as those who won't want a black. It is easy to forget that the question of a woman President has not been answered. It may unfortunately get answered in the voting booths. Will all those who pay lip service to a woman President put their votes where their mouths are? Alas, I think that remains to be seen. Interesting that here in Idaho there are some fine Democrats that might considering running for office but won't if Hillary is going to be the candidate. Why? They think every nutcase in the state will come out of the woods to vote Republican. They are probably right.

This leads me to John Edwards. Some in the Democratic party believe that Rove and the Republicans fear Edwards and that is why they may be trying to steer people into voting for Hillary or Obama. Why fear Edwards? Because he is a white male with what it might well take to get elected (I remind you that every American President has been a white male and people are very resistant to change). I am trying to see this from the perspective of Karl Rove and the Republicans, this does not represent my own particular views on the candidates. Frankly, I'd vote for a long-haired dachshund before I'd vote for any Republican, after their absolutely disgusting performances for the past fifteen or sixteen years. As far as I am concerned none of them have even a shred of credibility and I no longer even listen to whatever their latest bouts of insanity lead them to.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest excercises in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
John Kenneth Galbraith

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