Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Much ado...

I hope all the "leaders" get back from their vacations soon. The MSM is bad enough when they're around, focusing mostly on the trivial and nonsensical, but it's even worse when they're not around. Witness the big to do about Mrs. Obama's remark about running your own house before you can run the White House. Drudge and the rest of the Republican nitwits are insisting this was a slam at Hillary. If you look at all of what she said it probably had nothing to do with Hillary. But even if did, so what? Hillary's family seems to be just fine, a long term marriage, successful daughter, successful parents, what more would anyone want. Oh, yeah, Bill's "affair" or "affairs," depending upon who is talking. So, their marriage had some bad moments, who hasn't? Republicans keep carping about Bill but you don't notice they say much about the veritable tidal wave of pedophilia that has surfaced in Republican quarters lately. They want us to believe that Bill Clinton is the only Washington big shot to have sex in his office and take advantage of a poor "innocent" little girl from Southern California (who initiated the affair and eagerly participated). Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds (think Gingrich, among others). For years they have been warning us about Hillary being ambitious and wanting to be President, and etc. Hasn't anyone ever told them that in America ambition is a good thing? I confess I'm so fed up with Republicans of all kinds that I don't even bother to listen to them anymore. The whole scene has become surreal. Bush babbles on as if anyone cares anymore what he says, and everyone pretends to listen even though they know he's the biggest liar ever to hold the office. It's like we're all marking time in some strange insane asylum, waiting for a new director who may or may not prove to be any better (whoever it is he or she can't possibly be worse).

Some are now suggesting that Rove and others are roviating Hillary because they actually fear Edwards. I don't think so. This makes little sense to me. I should think they should prefer Obama to be the Democratic candidate, given the not so subliminal racism that infects the country. All this talk about Obama not being black enough, making fun of his middle name, his early education and so on. He should be a great target for their bigotry. McCain having been falsely accused of having a black child is nothing compared to what they can do with Obama. And not only that, wait until they start in on Mrs. Obama being the first lady. Personally, I would welcome a black first lady but I wonder if the majority of the country is prepared for such an eventuality. I tend to doubt it, cynic that I am. Of course no one could accuse Republicans of being racists, think of Condi and Powell (and then count all the black votes Republicans get, think of New Orleans, think of poverty and unemployment, health care, etc.). Obama wouldn't have a chance against Rove and the Republican attack machine (aided, of course, by their lackey newspapers and tv stations). I should think it is more likely Hillary is being attacked by Rove because he really wants Obama, never mind the reverse psychology hypothesis. But, then, who knows what goes on in the minds of evil, power-mad, greedy, unscrupulous Republicans who don't even have the decency to resign when their resignations are long past due?

"The abundance, the solidarity, and the splendour of the results already achieved by science are well fitted to inspire us with a cheerful confidence in the soundness of its methods. Here at last, after grasping about in the dark for countless ages, man has hit upon a clue to the labyrinth, a golden key that opens many locks in the treasury of nature. It is probably not too much to say that the hope of progress--moral and intellectual as well as material--in the future is bound up with the fortunes of science, and that every obstacle placed in the way of scientific discovery is a wrong to humanity."
Sir James George Frazer - 1890

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