Monday, August 27, 2007

Mountains to molehills

These incredible Republicans! When something has to do with Democrats they are quick to make molehills into mountains, but when it involves Republicans they are even more quick to try to turn mountains into molehills. Remember all the hubbub about Hillary's cleavage, Obama's wife's remark about keeping your house in order, and the exchange between Hillary and Obama about naivete and experience? The MSM and the Republicans tried to make these trivial incidents into something of great significance. Because they didn't succeed very well doesn't mean they didn't try.

So now, when there are mountains involved, like the resignations of Rove and Gonzales, they tell us it's no big deal. Rove left just because "it was time," and he wanted "to spend more time with his family," about as laughable an explanation as you will ever find. Now Bush insists that Gonzales was forced to resign because a partisan Congress "dragged his name through the mud." Right Bushie, he did nothing wrong. There was no criticism from any Republicans involved, he was not asked to resign by members of both parties, nor was he suspected of perjury and trying to politicize the Justice Department. And all of those lawyers who resigned because they couldn't stand it, they were just soreheads. And of course he just made a kindly social call on Ashcroft who was lying seriously ill in the hospital. None of this had anything to do with any wrongdoing or anything. Poor Alberto! How wronged! It may be one thing for Bush to claim this nonsense, we all know he is trustworthy, loyal, brave, cheerful, kind and whatever. But for other Republicans to seriously claim this nonsense makes you wonder where on earth they recruit these clowns.

Larry Craig (he of the wide stance that picks up imaginary pieces of paper in public bathrooms known as hangouts for illicit sex) finally got caught. People here in Idaho (and most probably in Washington D.C. as well) have known for years he was homosexual but his office consistently denied it and nothing much was ever made of it except in the rounds of the rumor mill. Of course he and his office are still in denial, even though he pled guilty, paid a fine, and is now on probation. What will the NRA do without him, Boise Cascade, the haters of salmon? Too bad we might not have Larry to kick around much longer (makes one almost believe in justice).

There is a rumor going around that Al Gore is losing weight. Go for it Al! Run up and down stairs, chew gum and spit, eat a raw egg with orange juice for breakfast, use the medicine ball, get down to your fighting weight. I'm still hoping to see you in the final event. In case you may have forgotten, Gore has been consistently right from the beginning and Cheney and his neocon gang have been consistently wrong. Why are they still in power? Here's one reason. This is North Idaho, home of the rugged individualists (most of whom are on the dole in one way or another). We don't want no pansy-loving, gun-hating, environmentally conscious, educated, evolution-believing, scripture-doubting, peacenik city slickers telling us how to raise our kids or make cannon balls. No sirree Bob. Bill Sali for President!!

"How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?"
Pat Sweeny

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