Sunday, March 06, 2005

Giuliana Sgrena

Why is there such a complete discrepancy between what Giuliana Sgrena reports and what the American military reports (or doesn't really report, as the case may be)? I have been loathe to accept reports that the American military has been deliberately targeting reporters but I confess I am finding the denial harder and harder to believe. I do not doubt for one minute that the American military, responsive to orders from Bush/Cheney, do not want us to know what actually is going on with respect to the killing of Iraqis, civilians as well as combatants, but can we really be killing reporters to that end? I don't want to believe it, but it is increasingly difficult not to. This is especially true given that the Bush/Cheney Administration has yet to tell the truth about anything. And Sgrena not only must have known about Falluja and other atrocities, but was also a left wing reporter. I hope the Italian government persists in their demand for an investigation until they actually get one. But given the record of this administration they'll be lucky to get even an acknowledgement that there might be a problem.

I see the Gannon/Guckert scandal slowly slipping away into obscurity just like all the rest of the Bush/Cheney scandals. If the Democrats allow this to happen we will know that they are basically part of the fascist program that is about to take over our country. What is it going to take to wake America up? Or is it already too late? I cannot believe the apathy and lack of interest that appears to characterize the American electorate at this moment in time. This is absolutely the most scandalous, dishonest, unethical, criminal, secretive, uncooperative, and fundamentally insane admistration ever. Can you believe that this small group of neocons who not long ago were considered to be the "crazies" are now in charge of the country? It is true, the inmates are in charge of the asylum - and no one, no one, seems to give a damn. I guess it must be true, people get the government they deserve. Has there ever been in the history of the United States a situation as dismal as this? Has there ever been a President more deserving of impeachment? Has there ever been a vice-president more slimy, dishonest, and greedy than Dick Cheney? I fear for our country and it seems to get worse day by day.

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said... Click on "Printed Edition" on top and then take a look at the article, "Justice Unit Puts Its Focus on Faith". It stood my hair up. Can just see the progression that was kicked off with Bush's "Faith Based Initiative". It's come this this, just as he planned no doubt. Snuck in under Ashcroft three years ago. I'll give Sen Robert Byrd credit for doing everything he can to protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but it seems too many members of Congress--and none of the administration--pay any attention to him, with the exception of Sen Barbara Boxer. As for the Sgrena business, I'm thinking there's more to this than meets the eye. They were on that horrendous 7-miles stretch of road to the Bagdahd Airport where somebody gets blown apart almost on a daily basis. I'm inclined to give our military the benefit of the doubt on this one...and I'd like to know just who was driving that car.