Thursday, February 03, 2005

Torture wins!

As predicted, Gonzales was confirmed to be the new Attorney General. This means that torture is now officially okay and the President of the United States is entitled to dictatorial power. I think the vote was 60 in favor and 36 opposed. Apparently all Republicans voted in favor while at least of majority of Democrats did not. I don’t know who the Democrats were that voted in favor but we should certainly find out and let them know in the next election what we think of them. It is perfectly obvious by now there are no honorable Republicans. None. There is at least a hint of honor among some Democrats but, alas, not enough to matter. I’m waiting to see which Democrats voted for Gonzales and which did not.

Bush is on a five state tour to promote his absurd Social Security “crisis.” That is, if you believe something will go wrong in the year 2042 is a crisis. I thought he had abandoned the crisis claim but apparently not as he reportedly used that threat again today in North Dakota. Also in North Dakota people who were opposed in any way to the Bush Administration were not allowed to attend his speech. Ah, Democracy. Too bad we don’t have it here in the United States. What is it going to take to get the American public to realize the Fascists are right on the brink of taking over entirely?

We can all rest more easily now that we know Condoleeza Rice is on a ten day trip to make things right in Europe and the Middle East. That is, if anyone can shut her up long enough to get a word in here and there. She is like a mechanical doll, once you push her button she just recites and recites and recites. But let’s hope she’ll be a better Secretary of State than she was a National Security Advisor. If not, heaven help us.

It has now been revealed that Rumsfeld offered to resign twice and twice Bush refused to let him go. Bush has a real gift for wallowing in failure. There is apparently some chance the Shiites may deny Allawi the election. Won’t that be interesting? I can’t wait to see the final election returns, not that they will be in the least trustworthy. Whatever the votes turn out to be you can be sure the election will be decided on other grounds, grounds not as simple as ballots. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

The six treacherous Dem Senators who voted for Gonzales...and thus, torture. Here they are:

Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Ken Salazar of Colorado, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Bill Nelson of Florida, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Mark Pryor of Arkansas.