Monday, February 14, 2005


Let’s not let go of this Gannon/Guckert scandal. What an absolute scumbag! But the White House apparently liked him enough to allow him press credentials enough to shill repeatedly for Bush/Cheney. And it is clear enough that Scott whats-his-name knew he was operating under a false name and pretenses and called upon him repeatedly. So let’s not have any utter crap about we didn’t know and didn’t have anything to do with it. This has all the makings of a monumental scandal although of course the major media will try to ignore it as much as possible. Just another great example of how sleazy this administration really is.

But in all the excitement let’s not lose sight of the situation in Iraq. It turns out that the results of the election are exactly the opposite of what the Bush/Cheney bunch wanted. Now Iraq will have a government sympathetic to Iran and a constitution following Islamic law. What is not clear as yet is whether or not Bush/Cheney made a deal with Sistani – you give us the rights to the oil and we’ll let you take over. And to hell with women’s rights. That will be your business. Our business is oil, oil, oil. Let us control the oil and you can boil people alive if you wish.

Of course I don’t know if this is what is happening. But I certainly wouldn’t be surprised. Can there possibly be any doubt now that the Bush/Cheney Administration is the most corrupt, dishonest, secretive, anti-constitutional, and immoral ever? Bush’s popularity ratings keep plummeting and his credibility at the moment must be approaching zero, but still nothing is done about it. There are no honorable people in Washington D.C. They are all in it together, Republicans and Democrats and their Corporate Masters. Pray for Howard Dean and the grass roots.

By the way, if you haven’t heard, we now have the greatest budget deficit in history, the largest trade imbalance in history, the largest national debt in history, the worst health care system among major nations (unless you are a multi-millionare), a terrible environmental record, a failing educational system, failing infrastructure as far as the eyes can see, and etc., etc., etc. But not to worry. The Rapture is imminent. Who needs a rotten little planet with a lousy climate anyway?

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