Monday, February 21, 2005

Rove strikes again?

Do you believe that the release of the Bush tapes at this moment in time was simply a coincidence? Consider that Bush comes across as a noble fellow who would not like children to try marijuana as he did (probably cocaine as well). And he also comes across as a noble fellow who would not discriminate against anyone (gays). This at precisely the moment there is a growing scandal involving a fake reporter obviously placed in the press corps to ask softball questions of the Press Secretary and, indeed, the President himself. A fake reporter who, by the way, who also sells himself as a gay prostitute when not regurgitating Bush/Cheney’s desires to the American public. Of course the major media are doing everything they can to make this story disappear. And what better way than to release Bush’s previous “private” conversations with one of his friends, conversations that only show him in a positive light? If this doesn’t say Karl Rove all over it I don’t know what would. Perhaps it is going to backfire as there are now questions about who authorized the press passes, why, did Rove himself have anything to do with it, and how about Scott McClellan himself, known to frequent gay bars in Texas. If this had happened on Clinton’s watch he would already have been impeached. But not Bush. He could be caught having homosexual relations with Karl Rove on the White House steps and they would still claim it was simply a democratic dirty trick, if not Clinton’s fault.

And what about the security precautions for Bush’s visit to Germany? Totally unprecedented to the point where they actually have become ludicrous. I trust the Bush supporters are proud to know that not only is their President a known war criminal but is also the single most hated person in the world (next, perhaps, to Dick Cheney). I hope you can recall when Clinton visited Europe and people turned out in the thousands to cheer him. And he walked right out among the crowds instead of hiding behind thousands of bodyguards, snipers, helicopters, fighter planes, and so on. What I don’t understand is why Germany went along with this ridiculous nonsense. Actually, I don’t understand why anyone at all goes along with it. If ever there was a case of the Emperor having no clothes this would have to be it. But everyone seems to go along with it, treating this utter moron as the Emperor of the world, and giving in to his whims time after time. Of course the reality must be that behind the scenes it is really Cheney who is doing the negotiating. No one would leave it up the Chimp himself. But I guess we can give him credit for one thing – he has learned to read the prompter much better than he did at first. I doubt that he has any idea of what it actually says or means. But with divine guidance and biblical truths what more does he need? When, dear God, is justice going to catch up with these evil lunatics who are destroying our democracy and ruining our country?

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