Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Here at the crossroads of time
we mortals presume
to have the power of gods,
but challenge nature
with the mindlessness of fools.

Mindlessness is back in fashion. Now that Bush/Cheney managed to steal another election you can be sure they will try to drill in the Arctic and everywhere else, with no regard whatsoever to environmental concerns. Rape and pillage will be the order of the day. Fatten the already bloated coffers of Halliburton and others in the oil racket will be the goal. I honestly believe the Republicans have no idea what monumental disaster they have wrought. And by the time they have figured it out it will be, alas, too late. The problem is not to find more oil, the problem is to live without such a dependence on a disappearing resource. But not to worry, the Chinese, along with the United States, will deplete it soon enough. The Chinese are no smarter than we are – they will all insist on having cars and trucks just as we do. And they seem to have no more regard for the environment than we do. Let the ice caps melt and the oceans rise and the droughts intensify and the animals die and the fish disappear, we mustn’t disrupt our economies.

Oh, and by the way, we are winning the war in Fallujah. We are about to take over control of a deserted and destroyed city. Never mind that the resistance fighters have already moved on to other cities and we have killed more innocent civilians, victory is ours! And never mind that the Sunnis have now said they will boycott the elections. Everything, we are told, is going well.

This has to be the most absolutely insane Administration in U.S. history! Now we are going to have a new Attorney General who believes the President has the power to ignore the Geneva Convention, whimsically jail people forever with no right to lawyers or a trial, torture and execute whomever he wishes, and ride roughshod over any international agreement we have ever made.

Bush/Cheney did not win this election because of some brilliant strategy of Karl Rove, unless you believe that blatant cheating is a brilliant strategy. The election was rigged. Bush/Cheney knew it was fixed. The smugly predicted from the beginning they would win. Even when the exit polls indicated a Kerry victory they never wavered from their claim they would win. They knew! And now they are taking pride in what they have done. As they have managed to get control of the House, the Senate, the Executive Branch, the Supreme Court and the major news media, there is virtually nothing that can be done about this tragic event. The only possibility is if the people absolutely reject this fascist regime and turn out in such numbers as to force a major change in direction.

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