Wednesday, November 03, 2004

It aint over


“there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.” I said Ronald Reagan could never be elected President. I was wrong. I doubted very much that the Gropenfuehrer could be elected Governor of California. I was wrong. I said John Kerry would win the current election by two or more percentage points. I guess I was wrong. But maybe not. It’s not over until the fat lady sings – and she hasn’t finished her song yet. What happened? Where was all the young vote? Where was the senior vote? How much hanky-panky was involved in the vote. Quite a lot it appears. What we all feared is happening – the election will end up in the courts. Of course that is the best thing the Republicans could have hoped for as there was no way they could actually win otherwise. Oh, I know, it appears that Bush/Cheney won the popular vote as well as the electorate. When all the votes are actually counted, and honestly counted, I still believe John Kerry will prevail. I still, stupidly perhaps, refuse to believe that a majority of my fellow citizens are absolute morons. How is it that a presumed majority of Americans voted to retain a war criminal as their President? A known liar, incompetent, unread, basically uninvolved character who boasts about not reading even a newspaper? What has my country come to? It looks like the election will be held up in the courts for a long time, What a shame. What an example of democracy for he rest of the world. Especially the world upon which we wish to impose by force of arms a similar political system?

I am too depressed at the moment to continue. If Bush/Cheney do prevail in this bizarre election they will simply have to be impeached (and it is long past time). Do not despair, there is still hope.

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