Monday, May 04, 2009

Stumble, Fumble, and Fall

After consuming prescription drugs,
wine, and liquid soap, Russian woman
snaps like a dog at flight attendants.

What a wonderful, glorious morning here at Sand(pile)hill! It was sunny and bright. I woke up earlier than usual. When I looked out the window, there it was, my old Dodge pickup (Big Blue), overloaded with the most wonderful manure I’ve ever seen, an annual gift from our friends, Fred and Alice, who raise the most delicious Highlands beef in the world. It was golden in the early morning sunshine and shone like a dome on the Taj Mahal. I leapt out of bed, eager to spend the day shoveling this wonderful life-giving substance into the garden, which I then did. I can barely bend over, but our garden this year, barring terrible weather, should be unusually productive. The asparagus bed has already been producing like crazy, the peas are up and doing well, as are the rutabegas and beets. A good thing as the price of food now threatens us with starvation. Thanks to Bush/Cheney and the Brafia, I am now forced to worry about such things for the first time in my life.

Which brings me to the phrase, “stumble, fumble, and fall.” Is that not an apt description of the post-election Republican Party? It might be improved to “stumble, fumble, bumble, plunge and destruct,” but you get the picture. These clowns just cannot seem to do anything right, so they have just decided to say “no,” to everything. Now, however, realizing they are about to disappear entirely from the earth, they have begun a new program to reinvent themselves. They held their first meeting this morning in a Pizza Parlor. It’s not clear whether this was a pre-breakfast bash or was actually breakfast. This new organization sprung from the fertile brain of Cantor, who in his search for an entirely new focus, invited Jeb Bush and Romney to help him, fresh faces from the past. The purpose of this attempt is to generate new and fresh ideas that will appeal to the general public. One of their first ideas is to lower taxes on businesses. Somehow I think they do not really get the picture. I guess they would never admit that Obama actually has some very good ideas they should be supporting. They invited their last year’s heroine, Sara Palin, but she declined to attend, probably too busy with all her ethics violations and family troubles. I guess Condi Rice was not invited, but she has been very busy trying to deal with Stanford undergraduate students and a fourth grader. Every time she says something now she just digs herself in deeper and deeper into the muck of torture problem. As apparently the main purpose of the torture was to get someone to say something false about the relationship of Saddam Hussein to al Qaida, her latest excuse for the torture, that they were all terrorized and therefore did it, doesn’t seem very convincing.

Obama probably made a mistake when he mentioned empathy as a prerequisite for a new Supreme Court Justice. As the Republican party has never had even a semblance of empathy for anyone other than billionaires losing a few million dollars, they have no idea what it means. They have immediately pounced on it as a “code word” for socialism, communism, activism, or ism-ism. Orin Hatch, that paragon of imbecility, actually asked, “What does it mean?” They appear to be equally stupid when it comes to the concept of dictionary.

George W. Bush, our last President (remember him) raised 100 million dollars in 100 days for his Presidential Library (somehow the words Library and Bush do not seem to go together well). As much of this money was donated anonymously, one surmises that it is payback for the billions he allowed his corporate friends to steal in Iraq. I wonder if the Library will have a special torture wing featuring all the memos and discussions that brought it about. Everything that has come out so far always points to the same major culprit, Dick the Slimy, about the most hated and evil man on the planet. Will he ever be held accountable for his terrible war crimes, crimes that he actually boasts about? It look doubtful to me.

Obama has now begun a process to do away with off-shore corporate headquarters (as in the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg) that have allowed corporations and the obscenely rich to avoid paying taxes for years. It should be most amusing watching Republicans trying to defend these scams. The Republican party (base) is now down somewhere around or below 25% of the American Public. I suspect that is about the same percentage of Americans that are a couple of standard deviations below the mean of the Intelligence Quotient.

Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush - a Mount Rushmore of incompetence (with apologies to David Steinberg).

You would think that creatures with four stomachs would have better digestion.

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