Friday, May 15, 2009

Say it ain't so

Small Colorado town celebrates 12th
anniversary for Miracle Mike, chicken
who lived headless for 18 months.

Please, say it ain’t so. There is an article today on Smirking Chimp so awful in its implications that I do not want it to be true. I do not want it to be true in spite of my utter contempt for Dick Cheney and my fervent desire to see him behind bars. This article, by William Rivers Pitt, entitled “Why the Caged Bird Sang,” suggests that the real reason Obama will not release all the torture photographs is because they are so horrible, so much worse than the ones we have seen, that their release might well spawn revulsion so great it might totally disrupt our country. Pitt, quoting Seymour Hersh, suggests that among other things, there are videotapes of boys being sodomized in front of women (some of them their mothers I assume). Their screams of terror and pain are said to be terrible beyond belief. There are also hints that women were abused so badly they attempted to get their husbands to visit them in prison and kill them, although there are no specific descriptions of what they must have endured. It is also suggested that this took place in response to orders from Cheney. I do not know if this is true. I do not want to believe it. But if it is true, it is understandable that no one would want it released. It would show American behavior so bestial and inhuman that no one would want to admit to it, that it could have been done by Americans, and no one would want the world to see it. If true, the evidence is so shameful it would have to be erased entirely from the record, or buried so deeply in national security issues as to never see the light of day. This means it is not merely the rest of the world we do not want to see these pictures, but American citizens themselves. And sadly, while I do not want to believe this, I have great respect for both William Rivers Pitt and Seymour Hersh. And furthermore, I know that Cheney and others lied to us virtually every time they have opened their mouths to speak. I am so horrified by this I am now of two minds about an investigation – for fear that it might turn out to be true, and my country will be shamed forever. Even without this, Cheney is surely one of the most evil people on earth, with it, he becomes an even more hateful creature, lower even than the worst scum of the earth.

Speaking of lying, I for one do not believe that Nancy Pelosi is lying about the CIA briefings she experienced. While the CIA may not have lied outright, I do not doubt that they gave in their briefings only what it was they wanted to reveal and nothing more. They have at least a 45 year history of torture and deception and I do not think they would balk at deceiving members of Congress. Fortunately, Bob Graham, who apparently suffers from some kind of Obsessive Compulsive note taking disorder, has shown that the CIA records cannot be trusted. I do not believe that Kit Bond seriously believes the CIA would not mislead the Congress. Boener, who two or three years ago, thought the CIA was lying about the Iranian nuclear situation, now wants us to believe that he, too, thinks the CIA is telling the truth. Of all the individuals and institutions in Washington D.C. that I believe would be the most likely to lie or deceive, the CIA would lead the list (after Bush/Cheney, of course, as they are in a lying class all their own). I don’t believe the Republicans necessarily believe Pelosi is lying either. They don’t care, as all they want is an issue to take the heat off the Bush/Cheney reign of torture and misery. I think the more frightened Cheney becomes the more he babbles on, a sign of guilt. Some insist that Cheney really believes in the efficacy of torture, all he says about being attacked by terrorists, saving the country, etc., etc. I might believe it only in the sense that he may have become mentally unbalanced under the weight of so many lies and horrible deeds. In any case he needs to be quieted down and put away someplace where he can do no further harm.

He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
Albert Einstein

The Ostrich can run up to 46 miles per hour, the top land speed for birds.

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