Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is Cheney entirely sane?

Abused, traumatized cat, with
behavior problems, put in
homemade bong to soothe it.

Is Dick Cheney entirely sane? Think about it. Someone suggested the other day that after 9/11 and the anthrax problem Cheney became quite paranoid. It was said he feared the U.S. might be attacked again, possibly with nuclear material, and he began traveling with a doctor and a gas mask, and so on. Now I don’t know if this is true, but even apart from this, consider his behavior after 9/11. He essentially went into hiding, whether in one location or many, all secret. As you will recall we all joked about this. He even went so far as to have his residence removed from Google and was not often seen in public. When he was it was always in front of a carefully screened audience. Then there is the issue of torture, which he most certainly was responsible for. This was unprecedented and not what you might consider normal behavior, given its illegality. There is also his obsession with national security. No other Vice President in history has attacked a sitting President as Cheney has gone after Obama. He insists Obama has made us less safe. It is completely irrational to believe that Obama and his administration, with many of the same people carried over from the Bush administration, are unable to keep the nation just as safe as Bush/Cheney did. And it is unprecedented for a previous Vice President to essentially refuse to get off the stage, at least for some period of time. Furthermore, I suggest it is entirely delusional for Cheney to apparently believe that only he knows how to keep the country safe. Similarly, he must be aware of the fact that even his own party wants him to cease and desist in his current behavior, but he stubbornly refuses to do so. He is an embarrassment to his party and to the nation, like a crazy uncle that doesn’t know when to stop his inappropriate behavior. All of this suggests to me that he may well be paranoid with delusions of grandeur, and is so far gone as to be unable to control himself. He also seems unable to comprehend that he has been wrong on virtually everything for the past eight years, a fact that is known to virtually everyone else. He is apparently to give a speech tomorrow attacking Obama, while Obama is supposed to give a speech on Guantanamo. Can the nation really stand for an apparently delusional paranoid constantly challenging the duly elected President? Is Cheney unaware that he and his criminal ideas were rejected soundly by the voters? And what is Obama to do? It is virtually impossible to reason with a crazy person. I regard this as a very serious problem with no very ready solution. Cheney may be doing this on purpose, knowing it would be virtually impossible for Obama to have him either institutionalized or incarcerated. And if he were to be he could plead insanity. I didn’t label him Dick the Slimy for nothing.

Along these lines, I am almost as disgusted with Obama as I am with Cheney. There was a meeting at the White House today between Obama and a number of those on the “left.” I don’t know what all happened during this meeting but apparently one thing was made clear, Obama does not support an investigation of the Bush/Cheney war crimes. He reportedly regards this as a “distraction.” In other words, he is putting political expediency ahead of morality and the law. I regard this as completely unacceptable. I realize he has to deal with the economy, two “wars,” health care, Israel, and so on and on, but ignoring blatant and terrible war crimes, especially when the guilty have confessed and are boasting about them, is not something that can just be dismissed as a distraction. Furthermore, he apparently even spoke for Holder, who is supposed to have an office entirely independent of the White House. If this is true it is every bit as bad as Bush’s meddling with the Department of Justice. Then there is Obama’s reneging in a single-payer health care system, his maintaining Bagram prison, his failure to act on don’t ask, don’t tell, his…his…oh, to hell with it. Michael Steele was right on one thing: the honeymoon is over. My father, bless him, although he had his quirks and foibles, was about the only man I have ever known who didn’t have feet of clay. My high hopes for Obama have been dashed on the rocky shores of hypocrisy (just another word for politics, I guess).

Could someone explain to me why it is necessary for anyone to have a loaded gun (or a gun at all, for that matter) in a National Park? The Senate not only has feet of clay, it has clay for brains, to say nothing of pure pig pucky for courage. But, better yet, explain to me the point of discharging from the Air Force a distinguished fighter pilot with 18 years in the force, 88 combat missions, decorations, etc., two years before his retirement, because he is gay, or highly in demand Arabic language speakers, or…or…or…oh, to hell with it. You cannot expect anything sensible out of anyone. Perhaps the most laughable and absurd of all, at the moment at least, is the absolutely mindless hysteria over what to do with the detainees (prisoners) at Guantanamo. Our Congress seems to have been taken over by hysterical and helpless little old ladies.

We certainly aren’t going to have single-payer universal health care. At the moment we may well not have universal health care of any kind unless we give in to the parasitic blood-sucking insurance companies who have no business meddling in health care at all. Medicare works fine, it should be expanded to everyone, no exceptions and NO INSURANCE COMPANIES!!!

Where does the violet tint end and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blending enter into the other. So with sanity and insanity.
Herman Melville

Cassowaries can run up to 31 miles per hour through the dense forest and can jump nearly five feet.

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