Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Death watch?

Woman handcuffed, stripped,
diapered, forced to listen to
three days of bible readings.

I have always found death very unpleasant to watch. I think I am now watching my first death that I do not find unpleasant to watch, namely, the death of the Republican Party. While I could, of course, be wrong, it seems to me that the Republican Party can only go further downhill from here, and even here is not a very strong position for them. They have voted 100% against the stimulus bill in the House, and virtually that in the Senate (minus 3 votes that, in themselves, were not really helpful). In California, 42 billion dollars in arrears, one Republican vote is holding up the plan to overcome this terrible shortfall. Perhaps they will get the one more Republican vote tonight, perhaps they won’t. But even if they do it has already been made clear in California and on the national level that Republicans could care less about the nation and its citizens. Ideology is one things, but pragmatism is quite another, and it is in this latter that Republicans seem to have a form of congenital blindness. When you combine their negative vote against helping those in distress with the hypocrisy they are also displaying about it, I cannot see how they can survive much longer. Some Republican Congresspersons are boasting to their constituents about what they managed to get included in this massive bill. But they don’t point out they actually voted against the bill. They are now even publicly being described as the party of “no.” Being ideologically opposed to taxes is one thing, abandoning their country is quite another.

If, having dug themselves into this undesirable position by voting no as a bloc, and even boasting about it, they are now facing a barrage of subpoenas and questions about their recent past behavior. Up until now they have refused to answer questions about possible criminal acts and cover-ups and who knows what all, but It appears they are going to have to face being forced to testify. And if this happens, as we already know they are guilty on many counts, this can only drag their party further down into the sewer of negativity and obfuscation they have created for themselves. If this should reach the level of Bush/Cheney (which it truly should) I would think that would have to be the final blow, relegating them firmly into a final rigor mortis. It just couldn’t happen to a finer bunch (of criminals). I think I might be right about this, but justice moves slowly (if at all).

If this isn’t bad enough, they are presently leaderless, unless you consider Rush Limbaugh a leader of their party. And so instead of going away quietly, they continue to feed us a never-ending torrent of lies. They claim things are in the stimulus that are not in it at all. They claim the stimulus is really designed to allow Obama to take over the country, manage the census, redistrict the entire nation, and on and on, with no connection with reality at all. And they insist it will not work but offer nothing realistic in its place (other than more absurd tax cuts). Not only do they appear to be dying, they appear to actually have a death wish. It is difficult to see how their current behavior can be explained in any other way. No government, no taxes, no compromises, no concern for the consequences, is not a foundation upon which to build a nation. Carried to an extreme it is no less than a form of insanity and a harbinger of disaster. They have led us to the very brink of disaster and are standing stubbornly in the way of any attempt at recovery, smug in their partycentric world view that is leading them over the cliff and into the depths of oblivion. I say go quickly and good riddance.

On my monitor screen at rest is a gorgeous picture of Stonehenge. Some think this was some kind of religious shrine, some think it had to do with healing, some think it had to do with astronomy, some think it was a burial site, some think it was built by people from outer space. I think those who built it did it just for fun so those who came later could try to guess what it was for.

Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.
Robert Louis Stevenson

The entire life span of a fruit fly is approximately one week.

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