Thursday, February 19, 2009

Could it, might it, will it?

Woman opens door for dog,
goat rushes in, jumps on counter,
eats her chocolate cake.

Could it, might it, will it? I mean, there is increasing reason to believe that something might actually occur with respect to all the various crimes of the Bush/Cheney Administration. Even Nancy Pelosi has gotten onboard, she who would not even consider impeachment. I never understood her reasons for opposing impeachment. She said at one time something to the effect that “if anyone could point to a case where they had done something wrong…” It was already common knowledge they had done something wrong, like illegal wiretapping, lying us into war, etc. Now she says she is interesting in investigating and even prosecuting anything and everything, except the Iraq war. I find this mysterious and can only conclude that she feels she and other Democrats may be exposed as guilty as well as others. But I think it is great news that Rove and others may really be forced to testify, especially “Fredo” Gonzales. He actually said somewhere recently that he always tried to cooperate whenever he was asked, you can’t get much more absurd than that. Remember when he said 64 times in one day that “he couldn’t recall,” or “I don’t remember?” Anyway, more and more influential people seem to be jumping on the investigate/prosecute bandwagon. I can barely conceal my delight.

It is really difficult to figure out which Republicans are the worst, the hypocrites like Bond and Graham, who voted against the stimulus but are taking the money anyway, or the four or five Republican Governors who are suggesting they might not take the money. It has been suggested that at least four of these are contemplating running for the Presidency and that is why they won’t take the money. I have no idea, but I confess this strategy doesn’t make sense to me. Why would their constituents vote for them after they refused to give them money and had to thereby probably raise their taxes? While they themselves may be true ideological believers, I wonder if their constituents are equally as stubborn and foolish. Both of our Idaho Senators voted against the stimulus. I have not heard as yet whether they want to take the money (but I bet they will).

Michael Steele, the only elected black official in the Republican Party to hold high office (and lead the party) has suggested their strategy to recover from their defeats is to appeal to the “hip-hop” generation, thus proving that the Republicans are even further divorced from reality than we otherwise thought. This can only be described as pathetic.

I have never knowingly listened to Rush Limbaugh even though he is a major feature on our local radio. But I have occasionally heard snatches of his rantings, especially as he is played in some of the offices in our Courthouse, and in some local businesses. From the little I have heard I suspect he is most likely mentally unbalanced (too many illegal drugs?), and I find it inconceivable that anyone could take him seriously. Thus to know that he has an audience of millions is beyond my comprehension. What is worse, it appears that most of the residents of my county listen to him constantly. This accounts for bumper stickers around here that read, “Rush is right,” “Sarah,” or “I love my country, it’s the government I fear,” or “Hungry and out of work, eat an environmentalist,” or “Protected by Smith and Weston,” or “Nuke their ass and steal their gas.” This creates an environment where reason and compromise are simply out of the question. Fortunately there are a few intelligent, reasonable, and better informed people around, a distinct minority, but an anchor of sanity in a sea of incomprehensible ignorance.


Death is a fisherman,
the world we see His fish-pond is,
and we the fishes be;
His net some general sickness; howe'er he
Is not so kind as other fishers be;
For if they take one of the smaller fry,
They throw him in again, he shall not die:
But death is sure to kill all he can get,
And all is fish with him that comes to net.

Benjamin Franklin

Walking on fire is found in many different cultures around the world. It is known to have existed as early as 1200 B.C.

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