Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Can they sink any lower?

Young German man abandons
stolen SUV, runs into a field
of wild boars, calls for help.

Is it even theoretically possible for Republicans to sink any lower? They have now publicly admitted that Rush Limbaugh speaks for them. Even John McCain has admitted that Rush speaks for a large segment of the Republican Party. And Rush has suggested that Sarah Palin will be the leader of the party. Think about this. Rush Limbaugh has been around now for quite a long time. There is no doubt as to what he stands for. And if what he stands for is what the Republican Party stands for, I cannot believe they are admitting it. Limbaugh is a fat, drug-abusing, racist, sexist, hatemongering liar. This is a matter of record, not merely my humble opinion. He even stoops so low as to make fun of the handicapped. In short, he is an absolutely disgusting, even despicable example of the human species. If this is what you support, be a Republican. Good luck.

So Tom Daschle screwed up. He deserved to get caught. Obama made a mistake and got caught. He deserved it also. It may be true, however, that Daschle might have been the best person to try to get universal health care through Congress, and in that sense it is probably a loss for the public. It does represent an unfortunate setback for the Obama administration and for progress on the health care front. But now that we all know about it, and now that they have apologized, could we please move on to solve the monumental problems we are facing? Republicans, laughably, think we should listen to them about how to solve our problems, the very people that brought them about in the first place. They just keep repeating their mantra – tax breaks. It is well known by now that tax breaks do not bring about the desired results. But still they don’t give up. It’s all they know. They are either complete dimwits or, more probably just a bunch of greedy bastards (my bet is on the latter although they are probably both).

Is General Petraeus about to betray us once more. Perhaps it is not true, but there are those who believe that Petraeus, along with some other Generals, are trying to sabotage Obama’s attempt to bring our troops home from Iraq within 16 months. Apparently Obama already refused them, and Petraeus, who is far too political for a military man, wants to force the issue. If this is true it represents total insubordination and cannot be tolerated. Obama should replace him quickly and have done with it. It is becoming obviously the case that the right does not want Obama to succeed. After all, why should they? He actually seems to want to do something right for a change, and to help the nation and its citizens, instead of the military/industrial/political system and the elite that want to continues their disastrous starve-the-peasants, anti-union, tax-cuts-for-the wealthy, no universal health care, lousy schools, damn-the-infrastructure, corporate-welfare policies. Obama is already being criticized for not changing this after his first ten days in office! The MSM is continuing to do its dirty duty in the service of the Republican crime-machine.

Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand.
Mark Twain

Napoleon chose bees as the symbol of his dynasty and had hundreds of small gold bees sewn on his coronation gown.

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