Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Babblethon

I think we might as well turn off the news for the next month or so as all it is going to be for quite a while is sheer babble. It’s just the same stuff over and over, none of which makes the slightest difference at the moment. For example, I saw two of the ubiquitous handsome young ladies who have been trained to read the news off the teleprompter and pretend they are reporters. One of them reported that the latest poll said such-and-such. The other replied, what does that mean. The first one said, well, it’s too early to tell, it doesn’t mean anything. So then they proceeded to discuss it for the next few minutes. Then I saw a discussion of the fact that in another poll there was a one percent difference from one time to the next. One percent! Wow, that was worth a lot of time. Now they are babbling on about whether Clinton supporters are going to vote for McCain. Apparently a few particularly disgruntled old ladies may do that, so who cares. There is also the issue of drilling along the coast lines. Naturally, McCain and some of the other dimwits are all for it, as if the price of gasoline ten years from now is going to make any difference. If we’re smart we won’t even be using gasoline ten years from now except perhaps for some antiquarian purposes. And of course there is ANWAR, that perennial attempt to screw up the arctic circle just like everywhere else. Apparently ANWAR might produce enough barrels of oil to last for about a month, sometime in the next ten to twelve years. There can be only one purpose, and one only, for drilling for more oil, and that is too insure more profits for the oil companies. None of this proposed drilling will produce any change in the current price of oil and will probably do more irreparable damage to the already fragile earth environment. The MSM, afraid to tell us about any real news, will just babble on and on about things that are never going to happen. Will Clinton become Obama’s VP? Almost certainly not. Will Gore? Certainly not. Who will? No one knows, but that won’t keep; them from babbling on about it endlessly until, mercifully, a candidate will be selected. Will all the babbling have anything to do with who is selected? Of course not. We are also now on our fifth or sixth day of Saint Tim (who was not really very saintly, if the truth were told). He is apparently finally being buried. May he rest in peace. This morning I read in the local pulp fiction that pretends to be a newspaper that in a meeting with Chavez and Raoul Castro, Fidel wore a “white track-suit jacket with red and blue trim.” Now is that sexist, or what?

Just as I was beginning to believe American politics could not possibly become any more degraded, the Brafia has proven me wrong (again). Not content with their previous slimy roviating of McCain, and the more recent sliming of John Kerry, and after their unbelievably slimy impeachment of Bill Clinton for consensual sex, they have now decided to roviate a candidate’s wife. His wife! What will come next, his children? Don’t put it past them, they have proven themselves to be completely without regard for either law or morality, and they have long since spit on the Constitution, “just a goddam piece of paper.” I was aware, even as a relatively young child, that politics was a kind of “dirty” business, but I never dreamed I would see anyone stoop so low as to attack a candidate’s wife. It’s true they hated Eleanor Roosevelt, but that was because of her beliefs and actions as first lady, not because she was an “angry black woman.” At the moment could anyone be surprised that Michelle Obama might be an angry;black woman? The attacks are so vicious, and so out of the realm of credibility, they have had to establish a special web site for her defense. I believe they are even giving slime a bad name. It is true they have no record they can run on, and it’s also true they have what is basically a non-candidate, but what they are doing is inexcusably filthy. It must represent the apex of roviation up to this date. McCain could put a stop to it, but given his attitudes toward women he is probably reveling in it. We could have done something to stop these vicious monsters a long time ago, but we didn’t. “All that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” It’s well past time for us to do something. Impeachment is too mild a slap on the wrist for their crimes against humanity, they should be arrested and tried for war crimes. It’s too bad they can’t simply be charged with being vile human beings who should be locked away from civil society forever. Pelosi, and others too, I guess, likes them. It’s like turkeys liking Thanksgiving.

“There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Bubblehead said...

Actually, I think there's a fairly decent chance that Gore will be Sen. Obama's choice for VP; Mr. Gore could be the "Energy Czar" in addition to VP. I think this might be enough to bring him back into the political arena.

Watch 'n Wait said...

For courage, brains, and diplomacy, my choice would be Wes Clark.

Bubblehead said...

Wes Clark, I believe, would be a really bad choice. There's a reason that President Clinton fired him, and his actions in ordering the British to confront the Russians at the Pristina Airport (orders which the British commander luckily refused) show he really doesn't understand international affairs.

I think Mr. Gore will realize that his acceptance of the VP slot will pretty much guarantee an Obama victory, and I think he'll warm to the idea of becoming the longest-serving VP ever.