Monday, October 22, 2007

Is he kidding?

She shot her husband in the head, twice.
Her children helped dispose of his body.
No explanation was given.

Bush is asking now for more billions for his hobby "wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think the most recent figure is 189+ billions. If this was anyone but Bush I would certainly think at this point they must just be kidding. The best Harry Reid can do is claim the Congress is not going to just rubber stamp this request. Don't bet on it, they've caved everytime so far and are likely to do it again (have to support the troops, you know). It would be unbelievably absurd to pour more money into this ridiculous "war." It's just like pouring money, billion by billion, down the sewer. If anyone still has any grasp on reality at all they should just plain and simply say NO, we can't afford it (which we surely can't). Congress should make it clear they will not spend even one cent more on Bush/Cheney's obscene game. If they don't we will know for certain they are all certifiably insane. We have to put a stop to this NOW! Nothing worthwhile can possibly come of continuing this murderous farce.

We are going to have to give up our "empire" sooner or later because continuing with our delusions of grandeur is ruining our country. We do not need a larger military, we need to give up our bases in some 70 countries and stop thinking we have the right or authority to tell everyone else how to live, especially nations that have been "civilized" for hundreds, even thousands of years before our nation was even conceived. Sure some countries do things we don't think are right or proper, but we do things many nations do not think are right and proper. We can't go around trying to change the world at the barrels of guns. Aside from whatever moral problems are involved it just doesn't work (Iraq and Afghanistan are great examples). The days of colonialism and empire are over, the "white man's burden" is a racist ideology we should have abandoned long ago. Our planet has grown much smaller in the last hundred years. We have to learn to get along without the use of violence or we will just simply perish. Is this even possible for the human species? I hope so.

"Growing old is not for sissies."
Bette Davis (I think)

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