Thursday, October 18, 2007

Criminal irresponsibility

Bush said the other day during his pathetic Press Conference that if Iran were allowed to develop a nuclear bomb it would lead to WWIII. This was just another of example of Bush's mindless babbling but apparently some people took it seriously. He repeated it again later, saying if Iran got a bomb they might start WWIII. The Iranians, being several hundred IQ points ahead of Bush simply dismissed it as his trying to distract everyone for his failure in Iraq. His White House Spokesperson, what's-her-name, later said it was merely a rhetorical flourish. Bush wouldn't know a rhetorial flourish from a dead toad. It wss just Bush babble as usual. I know that, and the Iranians know that, and probably most people know it, but as far as I am concerned it was irresponsible to the point of criminality. For Bush to imply that the Iranians would start WWIII if they had a bomb is, not only absurd, but downright insulting to both Iranians and the rest of us. Bush must think Iranians are as stupid as he is. And he must also think the rest of us are incredibly stupid. He keeps repeating that Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map which is just plain false. That is not what was said. Iran (Persia) is an ancient civilization, a nation of artists and poets, and a country that has attacked no one for a very long time. I guess Bush believes they have a death wish and would like to see their country annihilated by dropping a nuclear bomb on Israel or somewhere (stupidly ignorant of the fact they would be quickly destroyed by doing so). This whole business about Iran and the bomb is nothing short of hysterical ranting about not much of anything in order to set the stage for another illegal "war" (which will clearly be started by the U.S. and not Iran if it happens). Someone, somehow, has to get them to tone down their "rhetourical flourishes" before they really do get us into another unwinnable disastrous and completely unnecessary "war." They should probably begin by making sure that Cheney is safely attired in a straight jacket with his mouth taped shut.

Yes, Stark went too far when he said the "war" and killing was for Bush's amusement. But I can certainly understand his frustration and anger with Republican blood lust and refusal to stop the carnage even though they could easily do so. I guess Bush/Cheney and the Republicans that continue to support them have so much blood on their hands by now it doesn't matter to them how many more are killed. They're not doing it for amusement. They are doing it for oil. And failing. Actually, from their point of view they are not failing - after all they've managed to drive the price of oil up to $90 a barrel and the oil companies are making money so fast they don't even know what to do with it. To say that Bush/Cheney's adventure in Iraq is the worst foreign policy blunder in American History is a gross understatement.

"He had been kicked in he head by a Mule when young and believed everything he read in the Sunday papers."
George Ade

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